
Will Dr. Laura no longer be the darling of family values after criticizing Sarah Palin?

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Many on the right supported Dr. Laura Schlesinger.Will they continue to do so now that family values are not politically expedient?




  1. At least she is holding Palin to the same standards she does her listeners.

    The Republican party (Giuliani) says it's alright for a mom of 3 minor kids to hold a  24/7 365 day executive position.

    btw Nancy Pelosi's children were all grown when she entered public office.

    It' reall the Repubs who are the real  frauds.

    They talk about family values and morality all while getting a little on the side

    It's called the pick and choose morality

  2. You made my day!  I wondered where all the self-righteous know it alls went?  Dr.Laura will be spanked for failing to drink the kool-aid and will soon see the light.  It should be pointed out that Dr.Laura did a bunch of nude photos back in the day.  Think they were for a flame, but I do not suggest you seek them.  She wasn't all that cute.

  3. Family Values, only when it is g*y people trying to get married. But when it doesn't fit our agenda, then it is a free for all. Typical Republican Hypocrisy

  4. For every partisan apologist in the Republican party there are many more idealists who are just staying quite on the issue.  Many of them are probably glad that someone from the right is expressing their views from a moral standpoint rather than listening to those from the left who are engaged in namecalling for the mere purpose of slandering someone who's view's they can not stand.  

  5. Dr. Laura is consistent.  You gotta give her that.  It's exactly what I would expect her to say.

  6. Even though I'm not voting for McCain/Palin.....Dr. Laura has always been a fraud in my opinion.

    Who really cares what she thinks.

  7. Some will agree with her and some won't. Dr. Laura is sexist against her own gender, her and Palin have that in common.

  8. Unfortunately the Dr. forgot how her life started.and believes women in general should be stay at home moms..end of conversation.

    She had her times when she had to do what ever she did to get where she is now and she was not a stay at home mom...if I were to analyze her statement..I would say she has a guilt complex.

  9. Dr. Laura always has taken the position that suits her Bank Account best.

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