
Will ESSENDON ever win????

by  |  earlier

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After the shock thrashing of Gellong by an underdog team do u believe that there might be a chance that Essendon could ever make a come Back??




  1. I hope not.

  2. i am hoping they win at least onces more cause im getting sick of my friend whineing about beeing robed bye the referees

  3. Of course they will, just give em time.

  4. God I hope not LOL

  5. Look at least you have had the pleasure of Essendon winning a Premiership Cup in your life time.

    As for my poor dismal St Kilda, I doubt I will ever have that pleasure.......................

  6. No.

    I will even back Melbourne to beat them....& the Eagles.....& Fremantle!

  7. In my dreams they do!

    Look, if all else fails, drag out the old premiership dvds. They might make you feel better, it works for us!

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