
Will Ecstasy interact with Buspar/Buspirone?

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If so, how?

Also, would it interact with Lamictal?




  1. I have looked up Buspar and It won't hurt it but I have not looked up Lamictal, if it is a MAOI don't do it that can be fatal. Here is a good website that has alot of information on MDMA (ecstasy).

  2. Probably Serotonin Syndrome. Buspirone is a direct serotonin agonist. Ecstasy causes a massive over the top release of these same chemicals. The result can be something called Serotonin Syndrome, which you can Wiki. If this does not occur, it will severely amplify the damaging effects of ecstasy in the long run.

    There's no specific interaction with Lamictal, it's a bad idea. But what really worries me is that Lamictal + an antidepressant is a combo used in bipolar disorder. And mixing ecstasy with bipolar disorder is a nightmarish idea. It will probably severely aggravate the bipolar illness, both in short term cycling, and in long-term severity - and it won't be damage that will go away.

  3. If you're on psychiatric meds it's probably best that you not use recreational drugs at all, regardless of whether they have severe interactions.

    The goal of psych meds is mood stability.  The result of mixing psych meds with recreational drugs, especially ecstasy, is severe instability.

    I was in a similar position as you about 10 years ago with ecstasy and a combo of effexor and depakote.  I opted to get off of the psych meds so I could do the ecstasy.  It turned out to be a really bad idea.

    Ecstasy is an extreme drain on your nervous system and depletes your system of serotonin.  With depressed serotonin levels you'll experience a mood depression and inability to sleep.  While you regain a lot of the serotonin back over the next couple of weeks it takes a while for your brain to completely normalize, if it can.  Ecstasy is a heavy drug.

    Of  course, if you're anything like I was at that time, consequences won't mean a thing.

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