
Will England win the rugby world cup & the 6 nations ?

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Will England win the rugby world cup & the 6 nations ?




  1. I dont think England will win the 6 nations - but i do think they will now rebuild to a better team.

    The world cup is always open to under dogs - England might just make a semi final - but unless something dramatic happens or injury puts out key playmakers (Carter, McGaw) England will not beat NZ -NZ at present has the strongest front row, the most mobile loose forwards and the fastest clearest thinking backline in the world

  2. watch it and maybe you will find out

  3. No

  4. Nope

    Ireland - 6 Nations

    New Zealand - World Cup

  5. Hope not.

  6. England football, rugby , cricket, you name it, will not win any major trophies for the foreseeable future.   They have to stop living in dreamland, get over that they are no longer an Empire, forget the war and 1966 and get back to basics.

  7. As an Englishman I hate to say it but - Not A Chance!

    Still, for all the gloating Welsh fans out there, at least we have won the World Cup!

  8. nope not good enough simple as that

  9. No.. Ireland will probably win it, but we are definitely beating Italy right now!

    Currently 14 - 0


  10. Nope no chance they'll win the 6 nations. Ireland will win, followed by Wales (yes you're reading that correctly), France 3rd, England, Scotland than Italy.

    I wouldn't write them off to win the cup again though. I've seen NZ choke sooooo many times it's just getting stupid. We (NZ) have a tendancy to let the foot off the throat.


  11. being english, i hope they do win. however the englishsports personalities lately are not performing as well as they could.

    either from poor coaching or lack of motivation.

    so i would have to say no England are not likely to win the six nations.

    bring back a low basic weekly wage and introduce a bonus if they perform well. wsee if the cash incentive helps motivate the players to get back to performaing as great as they could.

    just my suggestion to get the sports back on a winning streak, one part of many that are needed to get all the sports back on a winning formula.

  12. Nope ... after just watching the game they played against Italy ... France or Ireland will win ....

  13. not a chance. England are c**p.

  14. England have been absolutely pathetic in so many sports now and for so long ! Why is that ? are you all glum due to a lack of the sun ! I don't know what the answer is to your seemingly innate patheticness.

  15. the way thet are playing to day

    eng 14/ita/o good chance

  16. I would say if the england team prepared well enough to go against tough teams like all blacks then the have a pretty good chance of winning hopefully

  17. England will not win the World Cup but i think they will do better than is expected! I would say either the quarter or semi-finals depending on the draw. New Zealand will walk away with it with the likes of Dan Carter who is without a doubt the best player i world rugby at the minute!

    I think they will do quite well in the 6 Nations but will lose out to Ireland who are a class act with Brian O Driscoll, Ronan O Gara and Peter Stringer! France will come third followed by Scotland then Wales and bringing up the Wooden Spoon..... Italy! Watch them in the future though as I think they will become a better team who will challenge the likes of Scotland and Wales!

  18. not a chance on earth

  19. Not a chance!

    They have not got the continuity of a team or the experience.

  20. Possibly, they're playing very well so far, so why not ? My vote is France !!

  21. England Win the WC?!Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaha hahaha. Sry about that. I highly doubt it, since they don't have Clive woodward anymore, i mean WHY did he leave?!.

    And in the Six Nations... Nope Because Ireland and France are Better. So Ireland for the six nations, France for the world cup..Merci.

    Viva La I'Irlande.Viva La France!

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