
Will English football learn a lesson from Team GBs sucess at the Olympic Games?

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By investing in grassroots sports. Great Britain has produced a group of athletes that currently sit 3rd in the medals table behind only China and the USA, both of which probably have access to far more potential sports men and women than Great Britain has total population.

Will the FA pick up on this and start developing more and more youth football academies so that we can nurture whatever English footballing talent we have in our youngsters and one day fill the Premier league with English players rather than having it filled with foregn players and our national team a global laughing stock?

Or will the big-wigs at Soho Sq remain lodged up their own sphincters and continue to believe that the way forward is to play Lampard and Gerrard in the middle and Beckham out on the right?




  1. sorry no.......

  2. No way, people who win medals do so on a very personal basis. Years of training for a fortnights events and not getting ludicrous amounts of money. Footballers are about money, fame, looking good and nothing else.  

  3. You misunderstand the nature of the business 'Football'. There is the game of football(Played in school and on Sundays) There is the Sport of football (Fantasy football) and the business of Football. Nothing to do with the Olymics or anything other than making a profit. Supporters are consumers, that's all.

  4. probably not.

    There's nothing wrong with playing Gerrard and Beckham as they are both class players. Agree about Lamppost though. why is he still in the team?

  5. how would a football team learn from sum completely different sports like cycling

  6. will we h**l

    there is nothing wrong with the players we have. we have an excellent group of players when we've got them all fit. its just that we don't know what to do with them.

    its nothing to do with all that grassroots business. its down to management and tactics.

  7. Take out the cycling and boating and we haven't done all that well.

    In fact we have done badly at the athletics so I don't think football has got anything to learn

  8. hey! we have plenty of top quality players in the squad capable of taking us to major success, we just dont know how to use it

  9. The biggest factor in England's shameful form is stress and pressure to perform, like any other sport if you feel stressed your performance will slip!  Good times and bad we love U England! no strings attached

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