
Will FYROM be able to enter EU and NATO?

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The European Union is "very concerned" by the deadly violence which broke out during elections in FYROM, a candidate for EU membership, officials in Brussels said Monday. EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn is "very concerned about the violence that occurred during the elections in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and has "expressed his concerns to (acting) prime minister (Nikola) Gruevski," Rehn's spokeswoman said.

The EU's executive, the European Commission, "calls for an orderly and peaceful conduct of the voting" during a promised re-run of the election in violence-stricken precincts, she said.

The EU's top foreign-policy official, Javier Solana, echoed that call, saying he expected to "see improvements" in the situation.

However, EU officials refrained from further comment on Sunday's election, pending reports from local and international observers, expected later Monday.




  1. Well you say it all. The area will be part of the EU and NATO as soon as their internal problems are solved in a way and at least when peace is guaranteed! As far as it concerns the people in the area of course they deserve the best like all the other Europeans ( apart from the extremists and the fanatics)

    If that part of the Balkans is OK then all the neighbouring countries will be satisfied and hopefully in the near future they will part of the EU family! ( I don't give a s**t about NATO though)

  2. I just hope for them they are not stupid enough to join a criminal organisation like nato

  3. I believe that the world has been rudely awakened to the fact that the FYROM is not what they proclaim to be...they are not democratic, they do not want to negotiate with neighboring nations... they live in chaos and have nothing to really offer NATO or the EU they just want to reap the benefits... in light of the constant injustices such as revealed in the recent election I do not believe that they are ready and we all see the Truth about the FYROM even though they along with the US try to blind us with lies and propaganda... the thruth is they still posses a 3rd world demeanor ruled by corruption and injustice and need many more reforms.

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