
Will Favre's Jersey number be retired for Green bay?

by Guest59847  |  earlier

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Or will someone else on the team be allowed to play with that number? my granny wanted me to ask, so i am.




  1. It's suppose to be retired on the first opening game against the Minnesota Vikings.  (Ted Thompson the general manger said that)

  2. you can't retire a # unless the owner of that # is actually retired.  and besides i don't think any player would want that # since they would never live up to Brett.

  3. It should be retired, even with the way the Favre era ended.

  4. I think that the Packers will still retire Favre's number, even though Favre is still actively playing for another team.

  5. It won't be retired now until he isn't playing football...they had already post-poned the retiring of #4 on the Monday night game in light of all this mess.No one is going to be #4 but,Brett.....that won't change.

  6. can ownership l**k his butt any more than they have already?

  7. umm i dont think anyone would wear it fearing there life from some crazy packers fan like me  

  8. Suppose to be retired at the Game they lose 27-20 on Monday Night...woops my arrogance is showing

  9. One day it will happen.  It would have been nice to see a "Brett Favre Day".  As it is that won't be happening soon.  There are too many hurt feelings right now and it might take several years for that to heal.  Yes, his number will be retired but what it more important is how the fans will react to him if and when he returns for the ceremony.  The other issue will be how he is received my Packer fans when he is elected into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

  10. not until brett retires for good, but it will be retired

  11. Its supposed to be retired on the first home game of the season. Ted Thompson might s***w that up to

  12. Oh yea it definitely will be, he spent his whole career, except now, in GB and was the face of that organization for 16 years thats a definite yes

  13. hopefully he doesnt the way he treated him he propley doesnt want to

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