
Will Febreze melt my igloo?

by  |  earlier

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I've been camping in an igloo for six months, but recently a joyous walrus appeared and I do believe it urinated nearby. My igloo smells of urine, and I daresay I do not appreciate it. Many things, I have tried them, but they will not destroy this disgusting odor. I considered some of that Febreze spray, but I'm a bit concerned it may melt ol' Bessie, my igloo. pls help me.




  1. i believe that if you relocate

    old bessie to another location,

    the joyous walrus will hesitate

    to bother you further.

    for the atrocious stench, I

    recommend you to freeze your

    frebreeze and cut it into blocks.

    take some ice out of the wall

    of your igloo, & replace it

    with the febreeze blocks.

    hey presto - good as new,

    and smells as fresh! :)

    ol' bessie will thank you

    with relish.

  2. lol. Now I've heard everything. Try freezing the febreze and use it as little ice cube air fresheners.

  3. yes. Yes it will. but you can freeze some vinegar blocks and place them in each corner...oh, no corners..ok you really need to neuter your walrus. It will take the joy right out of him  though.... also get him his own Christmas tree and encourage him to pee on that instead of on the house.

  4. spray ol' Bessie with some white vinegar it will neutralize the smell.

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