
Will Feminism lead to the end of marriage in America?

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Like many men, I believe women should be submissive housewives. With all this feminism, many women today have become everything men are NOT attracted to.

Why should men stick with American women? Look at the evidence and give your answer

Read this:

Do you agree? Why or why not?




  1. feminist relationships being defined as being, the husband and wife have equal rights and equal say in decisions in the marriage.  

    Are less likely to get a divorce then a traditional submissive wife marriage.

    lol I love the "s*x after marriage stops" rumor.  The truth is women cant/wont/doesnt want to have s*x if she is over worked/stress/ or ticked.  If your wife isnt putting out, more then likely....if there isnt something physically wrong with her.  There is something wrong with your relationship.

  2. No, it'll just lead to the end of marriage for "men" like you.

  3. Its my understanding that feminism is about egalitarianism (equality), therefore I dont' see how this would disrupt marriages.

  4. You might want to search for a wife in Saudi Arabia, where women have low status.  After all "why should men stick with American women..."?

    WAIT, hold the phone!!

    Maybe NOT:

    “The high number of forced marriages in Saudi Arabia is believed to be a factor in the country's steep divorce rate.

    According to Saudi media, about half of marriages in the country end in divorce, the Associated Press news agency reported.

    The ban is a significant victory for women's rights in Saudi Arabia, where females face a range of restrictions.”

    ‘Saudi Arabia bans forced marriage’

    On the other hand, maybe you could find yourself a "gently used" Saudi model for cheap?

    Good luck anyway.  Whatever you decide to do remember NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES WITHOUT A SALES RECEIPT.

  5. That site is for boys who think they are men. It's for guys who think they know what "being a man" is all about yet they want

    to be treated like babies,

    If all you want from a lady is someone to cook you meal, clean your room and do your laundry then I suggest moving back in with your mom or hiring a housekeeper. If all you want is a bl*wj*b then I suggest hiring a hooker(after all she is a lot cheaper than a girlfriend or wife(foreign or not)

    "Real men" know how to treat a lady with respect. Treat a woman with respect, clean up after yourself sometimes, or cook dinner and guess what, you won't have to work so hard for the s*x that you oh so desperately desire.

    We have very different outlooks on what is good in a wife my friend. I don't want nor do I have a control freak for a wife but neither do I want nor have a pushover. The best marriages are marriages where the couple communicates, relates and challenges each other on a daily basis.

    Sometimes I wonder why I'm a bit antisocial and then I come on here and it all comes rushing back to me.

    sidenote: I also highly disagree with "s*x stops in a marriage" excuse. The BEST d@mn s*x I've ever had has been while married. period. end of story.

  6. American men have had it made for years.  Women aren't impressed with your small.....paychecks and physical endowments anymore, so now you want to whine and go find a wife and incubator for your seed in some foreign country.  By all means, go ahead.  Trust me, women in America will still laugh at you and point it out when we see you in public with your new dutiful import.  Have fun!   They become Americanized--just remember that.  It's inherent to women NOT to serve men anymore.  Our mother's raised us better than that ;)

  7. I believe I should be a housewife just because I feel its my place to have a nice house and provide a good clean well kept environment for my family, not because a man thinks Im going to be his submissive little house b****.  I also think daycares are expensive and if someone is going to put values into my children and be with them all day its going to be me.  I dont want to be married because divorce is messy and I dont believe in putting anyone through it- no matter how much I might hate the guy.   I dont believe in the BS of the paper- it doesnt make people stop from cheating and it doesnt mean you are going to be a good parent to your kids.

    It has nothing to do with me being feminist either, because im not, I respect men the same as woman its just common sense that you dont need some law binding piece of paper to make a relationship work.  Its about the effort you and your partner put in to make it work.

    Marriage will never die out either.

  8. Why would any man want to be married to a submissive housewife?  Don't you want her to be happy and live an exciting and fulfilling life or are you just not enough of a real man to accept that she might want to be a productive member of society?  Why don't you just move back home if you want a mommy to take care of you?

    I think if all men thought the way you do, that, in itself, would cause the end of marriage in America.

  9. No, feminism will be the end of feminism in America.

  10. I wouldn't worry, feminist still have to spread their legs for men.

  11. I don't think it will end marriage as much as begin a new direction in "natural selection." Men who do not treat women the way they want to be treated will not procreate so easily. Sorry dude.

  12. You and I aren't looking for the same woman.  While I don't want a woman who will try to control me either, or try to figth me at every turn, I definitely don't want a pushover for a wife.  I'd rather we be more on equal terms more than anything as much as possible.  

    Marriage will not die out as long as there are people who believe that you should get married before having s*x (most Christians, some people of some other faiths, and some that just believe in the commitment first).

  13. Oh boy, somebody's d**k is too small.  Have fun wallowing in your misery.  I think it's fun to read s**t.  Small wing-wangs and small minds turn me on little boy!  A warning:  Watch your back  - you never know what kind of chick is lurking around the corner just to take you to town baby! Next thing you know you'll be lying horizontal with a long lost sista of Gloria Steinem!  You and your kind wouldn't last 5 minutes!  Sucka!






  15. Not all men like submissive women.  My man laughs at the concept.  He's gone out of his way to say he doesn't believe that one person should be the head of the household and that it should be a compromise and cooperative effort.  So just because YOU may think this way does not mean all men do.  If fact, I know a great deal of men who prefer a well rounded, educated, strong willed woman.  This does not mean women should boss around their husbands (I don't agree with either spouse bossing the other) but that they should work together on equal grounds.

    I really don't understand why people would be against this.  I don't understand a man who wants a woman to be lower than him or wants to dominate his wife.  I simply can not grasp the mentality behind that.

  16. This is sad! Submissive are you freakin kidding?!! why SHOULD WE BE SUBMISSIVE? Maybe you neanderthal men should try evolving just a wee more, so we don't have to constantly put you in your place and enlighten you on the modern world! Where you from, the 18th century or what? If you don't like American women than get out of America dude, we will not be held back by being submissive. I hope to be artificially inseminated with 3 DAUGHTERS and I will make sure I enlighten them about the likes of you! Yeah artificially inseminated, so what the heck are you good for now? LOL

    Just Kidding- I already have two children and will now exercise my right to birth control to prevent any more births, and the artificial insemanation is just a joke.

  17. It takes two, Brad, to make a relationship work.

    Have you ever considered that men who are so chauvinistic and insulting aren't endearing themselves to American women either?

    I am traditional and agreeable towards my husband but there is no way I will put up with a chauvinistic attitude or being treated like dirt.

  18. I disagree & I hope marriage will endure despite feminism. I mean, it is still enduring right?

  19. Wow all that and a link to a site pimping young foreign women.

  20. It has more to do with the divorce laws than feminism.

  21. with beliefs like yours, your only hope and prayer to find a wife (hopefully over 18) IS to look overseas.  Men who need submissive women only exemplify a need to dominate because they're incapable of dealing with an equal and unfortunately for you - you'll never know how fabulous a relationship that can be.

  22. I was at a party and someone overheard a comment i made, and told me that I was the most cynical person they had ever met.

    I responded by saying i was probably the most cynical person they will ever meet.

    I have been topped.

    This is the most misogynistic, cynical, chauvinistic site I have ever run into, spouting forth ideas that are strictly from the 50s...the 1550s.

    If this works for you, fine. I, personally could not live like that

  23. I think women will use men to get pregnant and to pay child support, and figure they don't need them for anything else.

  24. Wait, why should I be a submissive housewife? I don't see why I should be a submissive housewife any more than you should be a submissive househusband.

    If feminism is so unattractive to men, I guess you'd better spread the word, because it seems like lots of them don't know this. I'm a feminist and I've never had trouble getting dates. Feminism is probably only unappealing if you completely misunderstand what it is.

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