
Will Frugooscape be back.. it went down twice and im talking about the one august 26 2008?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so On august 26 2008 i went to play frugooscape and the site "" Took me to a bunch of youtube videos of runescape "its down? its updating? it got sued? please help me... i dont know if i should keep waiting if i know it will come back or no luck i should give up? please help me. tell me if it will be back




  1. Frugooscape is officially banned.

    Many frugooscape sites, like frugooscape forums, frugooscape youtube videos and frugooscape tips have been removed, cancelled.

    If you type Frugooscape, on youtube, and click on a vid, it might say

    "This video has been deleted because of thrid party stuff, something like that.

    Jagex are currently still busy cutting down Similar sites and vids.

    Sry for the news.

  2. some people say they got sued but i really don't think they are able to sue for copying a game..the most they would be able to sue for is if they were making money off of the site. also i know people that know mods and they say it is just an update thing so hopefully it will be up soon.

  3. it wasnt sued it was just because al is doing an update. Bloodyfire said it woukld be up in 1-2 more days and it WILL BE BACK! it would be impossible for Jagex to sue frugoo anyway because they have so many protection things on their site to begin with. No way a Jagex person could find their legal way around all that!

  4. lol shut up other dude!!!!! you f****n fagget! frugooscape isnt gonna banned. I checked right now and they are updating the forums. Tomorrow the game will be back!

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