
Will GW ever be taken seriously enough and intelligently enough to be a goal for everyone?

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Will GW ever be taken seriously enough and intelligently enough to be a goal for everyone?




  1. The only way to really solve the problem is not to convince everybody but enough people, especially the right ones to legislate change.

    Ireland recently taxed the use of grocery plastic bags and now they have reduced its use by 94 percent. Now everyone uses totes and those who were the staunchest options are now lobbying other countries to do the same.

    As Ghandi once said, first they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win. In that spirit we keep on doing the work the world so desperately needs even if some cannot understand at this time.

  2. How "seriously and intelligently" can you take a joke?  Sorry, my goal will never be to go back to pre-industrialization.

  3. It is already taken seriously by honest and intelligent people.

    Unfortunately, there are people with a vested interest claiming otherwise.

    "A spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain's leading scientific academy, said: "At present there is a small minority which is seeking to deliberately confuse the public on the causes of climate change.

    "They are often misrepresenting the science, when the reality is that the evidence is getting stronger every day.

    "We have reached a point where a failure to take action to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions would be irresponsible and dangerous." "

  4. Wouldn't it be interesting if we are on the end of the warming trend?

    Coldest winter in China in over 100 years

    Al Gore was predicting an ice age in the early 70's.

    What happened.

    Rachel Carson in "Silent Spring" predicted pesticides would decimate nature with a poison named DDT

    Earlier Scientists predicted people would die if a train went over 20 mph as they would suffocate at that speed.

  5. Only if the Star Trek type utopia ever comes to fruition.  Nothing they have seems to pollute or waste.

  6. That really depends on the climate. People are very fickle. If the world climate gets cooler, they will lose interest. If it gets hotter they will blame it on AGW and CO2 and try to change for 5 to 7 years then lose interest.

  7. Sure.  Produce some definitive data, stop attributing every phenomenon to global warming, admit that there are winners and losers in climate change and not EVERYONE is a loser, and stop trying to explain away every bit of data not supporting the pet AGW theory of the day.

    The approach is to start with ice ages, glaciation, cycles seen in the past.

    Point out that real greenhouses don't stay warm using the "greenhouse" effect of AGW.  Growers like to increase CO2 in a greenhouse to grow stuff faster.

    Proceed to the theory that CO2  may account for a portion of the total greenhouse effect.  Noting that water vapor and clouds have an enormous effect.

    No one knows if CO2 is a significant part of the greenhouse effect, it might be swamped by water vapor.  Computer models don't include water vapor, so their utility is likely nil.

    Bring up that Greenland was settled in the past by Europeans, the little ice age was devastating, proper scaling of graphs, variance and error estimates, and leave out the complete WAGs (wild a** guesses) that seem to be appended to every AGW communication (e.g., Katrina was a bad hurricane in 2005, therefore global warming is to blame and next year 2006 will be worse, for sure, no doubt about it).

    There are a lot of uncertainties in the carbon cycle (far exceeding mankind's contribution), and a lot of uncertainties in general.

    Conclude by saying that burning coal is a very dirty way of making electricity, and burning oil for fuel may not be the best use when it could be conserved as petrochemical feedstocks.

    There is an off-the-shelf solution (nuclear), proven to work and could ramp up meet requirements.  Even if CO2 is innocuous, getting off mideast oil is a really good thing.

  8. Probably not.

    I assume your goal is not GW, but rather your goal is some kind of environmental utopia where people live in clean high tech comfort amid uncrowded green forests and fields with no sewage treatment plants or freeways or whatever.

  9. When the world becomes one communist utopia.

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