
Will Generation Y women take over/lead the country?

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They are graduating college at higher rates then guys are and have a lot in their favor. What do you think?




  1. Why not?

    They surely can't do as badly as the men have been doing thus far.  Can you say "Weapons of Mass Destruction"?

    *LOL, I don't know but the hunt for non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction will be one of history's toughest acts to follow!

  2. Maybe but the real power is the Media, lawyers, corporations + politicians that back them.  Women march lockstep to whatever the media tells them to do.  

    In the near future, the media will start to attack women.  Yes once men have been kicked to the curb, the media will turn women against women...

    It will be a repeat of the SS beheading the SA.

  3. I have every faith that the younger generation of people will be fine leaders in their time.

    And, although you say they will be 'no better', I think you underestimate them.

    The younger generation has the accumulated wisdom of centuries to draw on, and will benefit from it.

    Just as we know that society has improve, for the majority, since 500 years ago, so we know it will continue improving.

    Of course mistakes will be made, but that is a human failing, not confined to either s*x.

    And yes, I definitely see the young women of Gen Y taking their place in leadership around the globe.

    Cheers :-)

  4. Simple, for the last 20 years feminist's have taken over the American education system and launched there "war on boys".

    Through sexist hate programs in kindergarten- high school they reduce the number of boy's that are proficient in english.

           Feminist's also launched a massive anti- male drugging plan to reduce the number of male high school graduates by looking for any excuse to drug boy's.

         Feminist's have created a hateful, hostile and oppressive environment on every college campus across the nation.

        Feminist's are responsible for the eroding of male rights to equal opportunity and basic human rights.

    Feminist's for the last 30 years have routinely lied about rape statistics, domestic violence.

    Feminist's irregardless of how nice they seem have been waging war against men for over 20 years.

    They are war criminals and as there influence expands more will see them for what they.

    I am sure the international human rights tribune that will be created in the near-distant future to prosecute them for there various human rights's crimes will be interesting to see...

  5. Anything is possible. If this happened, it would prove that any group of people can take over, and any group of people can falter as long as the majority follows a strong enough belief. The question is, will all groups of people ever be equally respected as possible leads of a country, and not just masses of people repecting only one favored group of the times?

  6. Bad news.

    Men outnumber women by about 10 to 1 in the highest IQ range, and it is from this range that the future leaders of countries and industries will come. They always have.


    Ms Happy: ever heard of Condoleezza Rice?

  7. "Generation Y"? Generation Yahoo would that be?

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