
Will Germany ever get it's pre-WWII borders back?

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East Prussia, Danzig, Memel are they lost forever?




  1. impossible.

  2. I am German as well as Canadian (dual citizenship).  I can tell you that East Prussia as well as Schlesien belonged to POLAND first before the Prussian, Austrian and Russian Empires stole all of Poland.  They cut it up 3 ways by the 1790s.  The areas you mentioned are not "lost" anymore as they have been given back to the rightful owners:  the Polish people.

    The borders as they are now are fair and just.

  3. Of course not. The German government wouldn't even try to get them back - hasn't been trying at all, in fact. And no, Germans don't care anymore (Well, apart from a handful of nut jobs, but you get idiots everywhere - no one's taking them seriously.).

    The Reunion was all that was wanted.

  4. We  stole  it  and  now  they  got  it  back  

    So Justice  is  served  and  no ,we  don't care  anymore .

  5. we can only hope the answer is "no,  never".......there should be some penalty for destroying half the world.

  6. No, they don't, they like to leave it as it is.

  7. not without another war!

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