
Will Global Warming make it be harder 4 penguins to find food?

by Guest32549  |  earlier

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Will it/?




  1. It already is. For example, the "chinstrap penguins" population is declining,.  This species depends on a shrimp-like creature called "krill" for food. The krill live mostly under the ice shelf floating at the edge of Antartica. Tat ice shelf is melting rapidly due to global warming--so there's less room for the krill--and so less food for the penguins.

  2. definitely.

    the climate changes will decrease the life span of fish and other organisms which penguins feed off of

    therefore causing the lack of food to make penguins starve

  3. Global warming will make it hard for every living thing to find food. if we don't stop it now there is no point in having a bank account to spend the money later, because there will be no one to spend it :(

  4. They will finally learn to fly.

  5. Many species will suffer. Hundreds of thousands of species have come and gone with previous warming and cooling cycles on our earth. Nature has no conscience.

    Nature is cruel in our eyes. Nature does not care about the species living or dying. Man is the only species that worries about this.

  6. Yes, because the penguins either can't find food or are not able to get out of the water before they die.

  7. It already is.  The thinning ice has affected the crill, which is the main food source for many penguins.

  8. yes... there are small fish that only live under the ice.. when the ice is gone so will the fish.

  9. That's a good question!! However, won't Global Warming result in the penguins slowly drifting away. I mean they might just go instinct...won't they.

    Everything might die off after a while. What about the Polar Bears or the Seals??!!

  10. well, if people keep dumping garbage in the oceans then yes. only because the fish breath the water and the water will be polluted and the fish will die.

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