
Will Global Warming make tropical places un-liveable???

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Places such as Hawaii or Mexico. This is just your opinion I guess.

Please, no responses like "global warming is not happening", because it's pretty obvious that it is, and those studies that say otherwise are just paid off by oil corporations.





  1. you could probably still live on them they'll just become smaller. smaller islands. and less people would live on there and want to live on there

  2. Im 17, so this is probably not right at all... but tell me if it makes sense

    I dont think so...

    They're too nice to all the sudden be unbearable ant not be a tourist attration.

    Maybe im making this up... but i think i learned in Environmental Science this year that tropical places like that have strong headwinds that allow the coastline to get cooler, more fresh air to the hot, tropical parts of Hawaii, Mexico, Bahamas, etc.

    hope this helps

  3. "Please, no responses like "global warming is not happening", because it's pretty obvious that it is, and those studies that say otherwise are just paid off by oil corporations."

    A study that says global warming is not happening? When? Maybe that CO2 might not be the major driver, but not that global warming isn't occurring.

    To your question:

    Likely not, seeing as how the tropics are experiencing, and are expected to experience, some of the least amount of warming.

    And although ethan p's response may sound good, it isn't. It is pretty much nonsense--no more than an uneducated guess. He is relying on the idea that the Meridional Overturning Circulation will shut down. A few problems with this: 1) We have no conclusive proof that this has ever happened, at least not the way that he is describing it. And 2) The prime heat transport mechanism from the equator to northern latitudes is the wind.

    And this little gem:

    "Hawaii will be underwater except for the tips of the tallest mountains. "

    Even in the most extreme sea rise scenarios, much of Hawaii will still be well above water. If what you are saying was true, the oceans would have to raise by some 10,000 feet--quite impossible.

  4. The hottest places on earth are most often those dry deserts. They appear to be extending their areas, desertification, And there appears to be less rainfall, lakes disappearing etc. So those things might make these areas unlivable.

    But our tropical rain forest areas do not appear to be getting unlivable from heat as long as they have rain.

    I expect that only the desert areas will become incapable of supporting life.

  5. Global warming means a rise in aveage temperature of only 5 or 6 degrees....It effects the ice caps more than tropical areas.

  6. 2 weeks ago there was an unprecedented heat wave in Mexico city

    here in the country it was 48 C ,in the shade

    and we have had rains out of season ,other places have had NO rains when they should have had .

    In Tabasco A few weeks ago ,over a million people were made homeless overnight with water coming up to the roofs of their houses,

    because of super evaporation causing super rain falls

  7. yes but not are kids not us now it's hot but not as hot as it's gonna get the sun is 50 percent used up it's true

  8. No, of course not, tropical places are regulated by ocean temperatures, and ocean surface temperatures have not changed dramatically over the last thirty years. That's why the west coast of America is so expensive, because the Pacific Ocean make it nice and cool.

  9. maybe. but look on the bright side, we can all move to Alaska

  10. ok, so let me explain to you the scenario that will ensue if global warming does not stop.

    1. The polar ice caps will melt which will cause large quantities of FRESH water into the oceans.

        a) Fresh water has a different density than salt water.

        b) There is a giant water "conveyor belt" in the Atlantic Ocean which brings warm water up from the tropics to the northern Atlantic and heats up Northern Europe and the Eastern United States.

    2. The difference in density between salt water and fresh water will stop the conveyor belt because the conveyor belt moves by heat. The cold water from the sinks to the bottom (because heat rises) and moves south to heat up. Then it rises and moves back to the north. When the fresh water enters, the force of density is stronger than the force of the heat and all the salt water sits on top and the fresh water sits on the bottom and doesn't move due to its heat.

    3. When the conveyor belt stops the heat transfer stops and the north begins to freeze over because the tropic heat is not being transfered. A second ice age basically ensues and everyone is forced to flee to the south or die.

    4. Too much population in the tropics causes overpopulation, disease, and more death.

    5. The entrance of fresh water also causes ocean levels to rise, therefore places like Hawaii and coastal Mexico and all coastal regions around the world to be flooded over. Most big cities are coastal due to transportation reasons. These cities like San Fransisco, LA, and New York will be under water, and frozen over. This will cause major political, social, and economic unrest.

    Essentially, everywhere will be unlivable. At least by today's standards. Everywhere will be either frozen over, under water, or over populated. People will be forced to live in 3rd World Countries in the Southern Hemisphere. South America, Africa, and India.

    Specifically to answer your question:

    Hawaii will be underwater except for the tips of the tallest mountains. Mexico's coast will be under water, most likely the entire Baja California Penninsula and the Yucatan Peninsula. The rest will be filled with the ironic Americans, Canadians, and the people who lived there originally.

  11. I'm from Hawaii (Oahu) and when global warming strikes this whole Island will be in the bottom of the sea!!!!!!, So its going to be unlivable..... unless we find a way to minimize the effect of gas and pollution that affects our earth, and probably we can last a few more years lol, hopefully I'm dead by then so all y all can swim muahaha.

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