
Will God/Other Christians hate me?

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I have a question concerning a book that I'm writing.

I'm writing a book that has a character who gets into a homosexual-like relationship. He is not portrayed in the book as a *homosexual* who endorses the behavior. He is just portrayed as someone who is confused about what is right an what is wrong (to put it briefly)

Here's my question. I'm not planning on addressing the character's homosexual acts as a sin (even though I believe it is) because that's not the point of the book. I'm more addressing the character's promiscuous behavior as something wrong with him (and he goes about this in a homosexual way instead of a heterosexual way). This book isn't meant to be a book to teach the world to embrace Christian beliefs on homosexuality, nor is it a book directed at Christian people.

Will my fellow Christians think of me as a bad Christian for not addressing my characters homosexuality? Or will God see this as a sin?

Please answer with your true opinion! ^_^ Thank you~




  1. I don't think God would have a problem with it. Homosexuality is a sin, but writing about it providing you're not actually condoning it isn't. However other Christians are another matter. The Bible can be interpreted in so many different ways and unfortunately some Christians will criticise anything. I've heard Christians criticise Americans - in front of an American! Some people believe that the internet, football,  TV, etc is wrong, You are bound to get into some people's bad books, but you can't please everybody.

  2. this is a tough one....because you are neither saying it's right or wrong but merely stating facts about a character.  God is not going to hate you and you shouldn't care about what other Christians think. What does God think..His is the only opinion that matters. Ask God to enlighten you. Maybe the very fact that you are asking this means somewhere your conscience is pricking you. Homosexuality is wrong and God definitely forbids it so if there was some detailed words about how this person does these homosexual acts, then I think that would be a sin. Homosexuality is just as big of a sin as adultery and usually people wouldn't wrestle with the thought that it would be a sin to write a book where a character has committed adultery. However, there is one huge difference you should take into consideration. Mostly it's a given that adultery is wrong - People know that, so when they read about it in a book they know it's wrong (and even then could influence them negatively), however when it comes to homosexuality, nowadays especially, most people believe that homosexuality is not wrong. Therefore, by putting out a book where you have a character who is a homosexual and commits those types of acts and not saying that that it is a sin, you may be unknowingly conveying the message that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality or at least that's how it could be interpreted (by not saying that it is a sin) and therefore add to the influence already out there telling people that homosexuality is not a sin. Therefore, it would be best to not have a character portrayed as a homosexual, especially with everything out there promoting it as not a sin. Remember that even though your intention is not in any way to condone homosexuality, Satan's intention is exactly that and this would be giving him an opening into influencing people to believe that homosexuality is not wrong. The things we do or don't do have an impact on society and we may have to answer God for things we have done or not done especially if we have felt our conscience pricking us.

    As Christians, we are called to serve God with our whole being in everything we do and say. Ask yourself - Would I be giving glory to God if I were to put out this book the way it is. Would this be pleasing to God? Would this book be leading people to the ways of God or away from the ways of God?

    I hope this helps and I pray that God will enlighten you as to what pleases Him.

    God Bless

  3. god is love this is reality everything else is illusion

  4. God will probably see it as an exercise in futility and so will most far as hating you, God doesn't hate any man and neither does a true Christian...

  5. YOU SAID  I'm more addressing the character's promiscuous behavior as something wrong with him..

    SOUNDS right to me ....  

  6. If you had to address every sin in your book, you would have to include the whole Bible. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure that there will be Christians who might get mad at you over this, but if your book is not about Christianity, or sin, then what is the need. God will take care of homosexuality.

  7. If Sodomy is not an abomination and sin to YOU then you are not a Christian. Promoting it in anyway will not be good for you as you'll have to answer for it on the day of judgement. If your Christian then i advise you make it known it is wrong, your not hear to write secular earthly books.

    as for the rest of it, i dont know

  8. Kinda like on the fence with one foot in and one foot out?. Or one foot inside each side of the fence?.

  9. Don't get Christians to review this book. Get people to review it who aren't Christians.

  10. Sin? Doubt it.

    But you will probably draw some fire from people who are really down on homosexuality.  That shouldn't stop you from writing as you see fit.  

  11. no, God knows and understands that you are writing a book.  

  12. I don't believe that the book should embrace homosexuality. What about just making him promiscuous without being g*y. Ultimately it's your decision. I'm a Christian, but I still have g*y friends that I care about very much. Just be careful about what you promote. Ask God if it is something you should do. He'll let you know.

  13. I am a Christian. I am also a writer. I've written about g*y characters, and openly addressed their homosexuality. If you write about something, don't tiptoe around it, and don't let other people censor you. Censorship stinks. Writers are free to write about whatever they like. Don't let your church or anyone else tell you otherwise. Your beliefs should not stifle your creative output or your intellect.

  14. You will have to condemn it somehow and quite from the scripture. If you don't condemn it you will be regarded as a homosexualist who is someone that enables g**s.

    Please just be clear about that.

    God bless you

  15. This is a book. God will not punish you for a creative mind. And I myself am Christian and believe personally that being homosexuality is okay as long as two individuals are in love. I do believe it is a sin against themselves but I'm not against g*y marriage for others.

    and you are not a bad Christian for not addressing the homosexuality of your character. You are simply making the character act as though he/she would act in life, very confused and mislead, but in no way is that a sin. You're just making that character all the more real. Sounds like a good book and good luck with it.

    Best of wishes and I hope I was able to help.

  16. Some will. Most probably won't even notice.

    As far as God goes . . . can't answer that one. I'm an atheist, so I think you can figure out what my position is on that.

    It's your book. Write it the way that you see fit. Forget what anyone else thinks.

    <edit> I love solarius' answer.

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