
Will God forgive on judgment day?

by Guest33602  |  earlier

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and if not why have it




  1. no

    Judgment day is to pronounce the sentence they deserve by what they did in life.

    If they rejected God they will not see life.

  2. Ha!!

  3. those who have repented!

  4. Not if the h**l-loving Christians have anything to say about it.

  5. Judgement Day will be exactly what the name implies - the day that all will be JUDGED.

    The bible tells us that 'At the name of Jesus EVERY knee shall bow and every one will confess that He is Lord'

    Atheists will be on their knees acknowledging that there is a God after all, they will have absolutely no choice in the matter but it will be too late.

    God does forgive our sins - ALL OF THEM but it is whilst we are here in human form that we must ask for that forgiveness and truly repent. If we are going to remain hardened and bitter and profess that there is no God right up to the moment of our death then we will spend eternity away from the God we dismissed as a 'fairy story'.

    If we have accepted Jesus as our Saviour and live our lives according to God's laws (which come way above man's laws when there is any discrepancy) we will spent eternity with God.

    Judgement and forgiveness are not the same thing.  At the moment, whilst we are still alive, Jesus wants to be our SAVIOUR. On Judgement Day His role will change to that of JUDGE. We will meet Him face-to-face in the state of either being forgiven or unforgiven.

    If you haven't accepted His forgiveness whilst in your earthly body it will not be available to you when you have departed this body.

  6. If there is a god,he isn't angry.He,of all things,would understand man.There is no judgement day

  7. No the judgment day is a fear tactic used by Christians so they have more control. In actuality souls go to astral plain after their bodies die. From there there is not much if any evolution of the soul so the only judgment you get is did you meditate (like open your Charis, strengthen your aura, overcome fears while in earthly existence rely on our true pagan gods for protection) if not then you probably wont have a pleasant afterlife. Its all in your hands not in the hands of some tyranical god.

  8. It says clearly in scripture God only Forgives Those who repent and put there faith in Jesus Christ All sinners will have there place in the lake of Fire.

  9. Depends on how much a short sighted prick god is.  If god is just playing the blame game so he can torture people, we're in a world of ****. But an insightful god would be able to trace our faults back to it's own creative errors and judge itself instead of us.  

  10. One of the fundamental creeds of Islam is about the Day of Judgment. All humans who have lived on earth are accountable and answerable on that day for their beliefs and willful actions. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an what means,

    *{On the Day when every soul will be confronted with all the good it has done and all the evil it has done, it will wish there were a great distance between it and its evil. But Allah cautions you (to remember) Himself. And Allah is full of kindness to those that serve Him}* (Aal `Imran 3:30)

    *{Verily, to Us will be their return, then verily, for Us will be their Reckoning}* (Al-Ghashiyah 88:25–26)

    The above verses show that Allah Almighty will hold us accountable for all our doings, and only He can be the true judge of our deeds because Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

    Deeds are but by intentions and every person shall have what he intended. Thus, whose migration was for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, then his migration was for Allah and His Messenger. And whose migration was for the sake of some worldly benefit or marrying some woman, then his migration was for what he migrated. (Al-Bukhari)

    This means that a fair and true judgment of our actions is possible only when the motives behind the actions as well as the circumstances impelling a person to undertake those actions are correctly and fully evaluated. No human can really judge others' motives and correctly evaluate their compulsions. Only Allah the All-Knowing can do that.

    Note the following verse of the Qur'an:

    *{Whoever chooses to follow the right path, follows it but for his own good; and whoever goes astray, goes but astray to his own loss; and no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another's burden}* (Al-Israa' 17:15)

    This verse tells us that in the Final Judgment (1) we are accountable for our actions, and (2) no injustice will be done to anyone.

    The Qur'an makes it perfectly clear that all humans will be questioned about their actions on the Day of Judgment. And in this matter even prophets are not spared:

    *{Then surely, We shall question those (people) to whom It (the book) was sent and, verily, We shall question the messengers}* (Al-A`raf 7:6-7)

    There are Prophetic sayings that teach us that the righteous servants of Allah will have a smooth passage through the questioning and will be able to enter Paradise with ease; whereas the hypocrites and hardened sinners will have a hard time before they are sentenced to h**l.

    The Prophet said,

    The first thing people will be accountable for on the Day of Judgment is Prayer. Allah will say to His angels (even though He already knows), "Look at My servants' Prayers. Were they complete or not?" If they are complete, they will be written as complete. If they are not complete, Allah will say, "See if My servant has Voluntary Prayers." If he has them, Allah will say, "Complete his Obligatory Prayer shortage with his Voluntary Prayers." Then the rest of his deeds will be dealt with in the same manner" (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and An-Nasa'i)

    Prophet Muhammad has also warned us about five things we will have to answer for:

    The son of Adam will not pass away from Allah until he is asked about five things: How he lived his life, how he utilized his youth, what means he earned his wealth with, how he spent his wealth, and what he did with his knowledge. (At-Tirmidhi)

    Allah Almighty will also ask us about all the contracts, agreements, and promises we made in our lives, regardless of whether they were made to God or to people:

    *{And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily! The covenant will be questioned about}* (Al-Israa' 17:34)

    Allah will also question us on the Day of Judgment about what we listen to, watch, and think of. We read in the Qur'an what means:

    *{Verily!  The hearing, and the sight, and the heart; about each of those, you will be questioned (by Allah)}* (Al-Israa' 17:36)

    *{Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delight (you indulged in, in this world)}* (At-Takathur 102:8)

    This means that all the blessings and delights we have been enjoying in this world, such as our health, wealth, food, and drink, as well as other comforts of life, will be subject to the Last Day's questioning.

    Prophet Muhammad described the manner of questioning on the Day of Judgment thus:

    Allah will talk to everyone directly, without a translator. The person will look to his right, and will not see anything but his deeds. Then the person, will look to his front and will see nothing but the Hellfire facing him. So protect yourself from Hellfire even with the charity of half a date. (Al-Bukhari)

    The Prophet also said,

    Allah will meet a person and ask him, "O person, wasn't I generous to you? And didn't I give you a spouse and make the horses and camels at your disposal?" The servant will reply, "Yes!" Allah will then ask, "Did you think that you will meet Me?" He will reply, "No!" Allah will say, "I will forget yo

  11. Not to worry, there has never been any evidence that any deity ever existed. Now go back to having fun.

  12. NOO...judgement day is not about's not called..forgiving day..!!

  13. Judgment day...LMAAO!  What a load of c**p!

  14. Yes. God is eternal. So is His forgiveness. +?+

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