
Will Great Britain ever have its own version of the 4th July and become Independant of America?

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Will Great Britain ever have its own version of the 4th July and become Independant of America?




  1. No, we are an independent nation we just had one bad liberal leader.

  2. What people around the world have now noticed is!What was  known as Independence Day in the USA! Is now known as Dependence Day!Why?Because the EU,Japan,China,India have literally had to pour in billions of dollars into the USA to keep it solvent!

    I would suggest a day!Such as the date when we burned down the White House in the year 1812!

    Does the American Education System cover that in their history??

  3. Oh my Goosh!!

    I had no idea........I am going to write a freaking letter!!

  4. Good question, get back to you on that in a couple of hours.

  5. Visit Belfast this weekend and find out what celebrations are really like.

  6. lets not pretend the yanks jopined ww2 from altruism, they joined because of Pearl Harbour, they didnt jump,  they were pushed.

    WW1 it was a litttle different, they didnt get excited tioll the Lusitania went down with a few citizens on board. But ask Churchills ghost why that happened

    We paid for ww2, as we should, we decided to back the Poles. Quite rightly, or by now the world language would be German, and America would have gone too.

    Anyway we are now independent of our colonies thank goodness, can you imagine if we still had Zimbabwe and the resr? All those immigrants coming here for our jobs ;-)

    Let the Yanks have their moment as world power, like us and the Romans, it passes.

  7. America is our proven friend. there are graves containing the bodies of thousands of young Americans who gave their lives in defence of this country 'all over Britain' its the cowardly back stabbing EU that we need to rid our selves of. they ran like rabbits and refused to help us when  the Falklands were invaded. in fact the French were caught 'red handed' selling our enemies the missiles to fire at our servicemen. you need to look a little closer at who!!! we should move away from. the only thing GT Britain has to fear at the moment is the quiet invasion of Islam,and the reasoning behind the success of that quiet invasion,( the EU )that wont allow us to close our borders, and the thieves traitors and deceivers we laughingly call the government, who are h**l bent on selling this country down the EU river.

  8. sit on a cloud!

    or rather google earth!

    d**n it ! ?

    If we all don't  live here

    after all! .  


    I  mean right now..

    this very second

    this micro second

    nothing exists

    but....on this planet

    there is no such thing

    as Independence

  9. I am sure you have your national days just like they do in the US.

    Your economies are too well linked that you can't, become completely free from them.

  10. wouldnt that be just sooooooooo great. maybe you could have on the same day that ireland gets theirs from england. after all. its only been 900 years.

  11. No, not until the UK divides and seperate nations like England, Scotland, Wales, and North Ireland form. England will never have a version of the 4th of July, they are far to scared of being politically incorrect, that is why London is a new addition to the Islamic Nations. On the other hand Scotland, Wales, and Ireland definatly will, they are so nationalist and so proud! They are an ethnic group that have been discriminated by the English for too long and would love to shove pride down your English throats. No offense Scotland, Ireland, and Wales owns England(never want to go England unless I had to compared to the nice happy Celtic peoples.) America is proud because it defeated your asses with the help of FRENCH, yes French blockade that left old George with his head up his own ***. No offense, I love English people, but nothing beats Scotland, Ireland, Wales(forever they will be free in my heart!)

  12. Britain is the greatest western country in the world! Who cares about the US, I think the commonwealth comes first, (They weren't late.......!)

  13. haha good point.

    For some reason our school had a bit of an independence day celebration...


  14. Hi Es me

    America is a friend to us when she needs something, an ally when it suits her, and an assett stripper of much of our assets.

    We are what we are, and America is what she is!

    Without America, we would be richer in wealth, have more people alive, who had been killed fighting for her cause, but poorer for the fun we have together with her people.

    We are intrinsically linked, and eventually America will fully apreciate what a very good friend we have been to her.

    We will, for the forseeable future be as one.

    Good luck on your journey

    In answer to that kneejerk assumption...

    The tide had already turned my friend.

    Germany was virtually kicked out of Africa well before America decided to pop over for a little visit.

    A fellow called Rommel met his match in Montgomery

    We entered the 2nd world war to help out Poland and France.

    We had many very dangerous convoy runs to Russia... yes Russia to help her people survive...

    We even had deathly convoy runs to another friend.. Malta

    to keep her supplied, despite terrible British losses.

    Malta had just three planes named:

    Faith, Hope and Charity.. all RAF.

    Did you know that Malta had been awarded a medal for her bravery in World War II?

    America entered the war years afterwards when all our foreign contracts had been taken over, and our resources had been utterly depleated due to lend-lease.

    It will be 2010 before our debt is finally paid back to America.

    USA actually made a profit from both World War II and Desert Storm, so nothings changed there.

    Like I said at the beginning... we are as we are, and America is as she is.

    Here, America makes even more money from... distorting the facts

    Very true Robert C.

    The White House is called that, because the British, burned the government building... which was saved from complete destruction.. like the treasury had been decimated, and then it was whitewashed to hide the charred and blackened wood.

    America had declared war upon Canada, thinking that we were too busy with Napoleon to save her...wrong!!!!

    So Math wiz, I do hope that your eyes have been opened to the truth... not as CNN or Hollywood would have you believe history actually happened.

    Why let the facts get in the way of a good story eh?

    Don't get the story wrong... Britain needs America far less than she needs us!

    We know that, and still, as always we offer the hand of friendship with no strings attached.

  15. Hey Dream-Ma:

    Your logic is a little flawed.  I love the Brits, and we are indeed intrinsically linked, close brothers of the world.  But what is this bit about fighting in her wars, for our causes?  Are you telling me that WWI and WWII were caused by the United States?  What if the USA had never bothered to lend a hand in Europe during these two wars....................

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