
Will Greg Norman win The British Open?

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Will Greg Norman win The British Open?




  1. Possible , but highly improbable. I applaud him for finally coming back and playing in the tournament where he was a big factor and hope he plays well ehough to be in contention.

  2. I really hope so, he has such bad luck in majors during his career and it would go into history as one of the most memorable wins.

  3. no- he is doing great but four tough rounds in those conditions will do in the 53 year old

  4. No. This is the first time he's even generated any buzz in years. But, I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility.

    Tiger's out, so I'm going for Rocco. That's OK i my eyes because they are friends.

    More importantly though, Phil won't make the cut and I'll cry................................ of LAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA

    What a loser.

  5. He already won it twice - oh you mean this year?  No.

  6. I cheer him...

    He maybe do good in 1-2 days

    But Golf tour play 4 days that very heavy. Greg maybe cannot play in top form. If he play with overload, he will same Tiger.

    But I cheerrrrrr the white shark

  7. Possible, but it's a tough field, and he is a 53-year old newlywed.

    I'm rooting for Rocco Mediate.

  8. Right now he has the lead, and he will probably have it after today. I like his chances, but it will be a tough weekend for the Shark.

  9. It depends on the weather.  I think that if Rocco gets his game this course is ideal for his style of golf

  10. no dont think so

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