
Will Heather Mills still retain the title of 'Lady' when her divorce with Paul McCartney is complete?

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I'm sure there's lots of obvious jokes here but clearly this question pertains to Mr Paul McCartney's MBE!




  1. She can call her "Lady" regardless what people thinks.



  3. She doesn't deserve a bean and as for  a title I will not say here but it would be a profanity. He's well rid and has retained some dignity during this difficult time. I think she is a money-grabbing woman who doesn't deserve anything. She's certainly no lady!

  4. Why should she get a title with all that money, lets face it thats all she married him for, and he just could not see it

  5. As with all divorced wives, she will be entitled to use the 'Lady' until she marries.

  6. who cares?

  7. First of all, the spouse of a knighted man has a style...not a title.

    Mills may continue to use the style "Lady McCartney," in much the same way that she would be able to use "Mrs. McCartney" as a divorcee had Sir Paul not been knighted.

  8. She is nothing but a gold digger and he fell for it hook line and sinker,..of course she should lose the title,..and the name McCartney,....The problem here is why did,nt macca see it coming everybody else did,....They say to girls today independant, ..get a job,..why bother when you can find yourself a rich man,..have his child and then sue for divorce

    watch this space she has not finished yet...thom.

  9. If Diana wasn't allowed to keep her title,  then why would Heather get to keep hers??  What did she do to deserve this title other than to go after a man in grief from loosing his soul mate??

  10. Given the FACT that the vast majority of titles are bought by hollow people with no soul, God, principles or ethics, I think Miss Mill can be called Lady.

  11. Wow you guys are really harsh!!.

    For some reason people think of Sir Paul McCartney as some sort of saint and Heather Mills as the wicked witch.  What did she ever do that was so bad ... really?  

    I'm not a fan of her but I do think that the press have really had it out for her since she met McCartney.  They've dredged up every little skeleton she has in her closet and used it against her.

    At the end of the day these two met, fell in love, got married, had a child and fell out of love and are now getting a divorce.  It's sad but happens in this world.  It's not all her fault surely, McCartney is not as lily white and pure as people would hope him to be .... cos if he is he must be the most boring man in the world!

    As for the question of whether she is still called Lady McCartney after the divorce ... I don't recall any occasion when she has used the title to her advatage ... but then I don't really read her press anyway.

  12. not lady maybe a  MADAM

  13. Probably not, since she was only a courtesy lady by way of marriage.  She didn't receive the title, he did.

  14. Of course not! She is a *****, nothing else than that!.

    And a very rich one , thanks to Macca for that!

  15. It's a KBE he got. (knight of the british empire) which entitles him to be called 'Sir'.

    The missus is currently called 'lady' as she's his wife but when they are divorced she'll lose the title.

    I think she should be called 'digger' Mills.

  16. I'm not sure where MBE comes into it. She's Lady McCartney because he has a KBE (Knight of the Order of the British Empire) as she has it because of him, she'll lose it upon their divorce.

    Someone who has an MBE does not confer any titles upon their spouses. A KBE is three ranks higher than an MBE.

    He's SIR Paul McCartney not Mr.

  17. She can keep the title unless she insists on being called Heather Mills (she is only Lady McCartney, not Lady Mills as some papers wrongly call her) or if she remarries. If she gets enough money from this divorce then she won't need to remarry. Her title comes from his being a knight bachelor, not an MBE (or KBE as someone else said).

    Lady Colin Campbell has been divorced for a lot longer than she was married to Lord Colin Campbell, but she's still called Lady Colin. Princess Margaret was Countess of Snowdon after her 1978 divorce, even after her ex-husband remarried.

  18. No she won't - she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

  19. The title of Lady should only be given to the existing wife of a Lord, not to a divorcee, Sir Paul will obviously retain the title, but in my opinion Mills should not keep it, apart from the fact she does not act like a lady, this was a title she gained through marriage not inheritance. Therefore the title of Lady does not go with her.

  20. She'll still be a lady....

    I'll still be a man.


    Check out the above site, although it does not give the exact situation, it appears as though she will lose the right to be a 'Lady'.

  22. I think technically she can retain her title even after the divorce. If she remarries she will lose it.

  23. Once the Decree Absolute becomes effective, she gets the dosh but loses the title. She never has been a Lady in the true sense of the word.

  24. I hope not because she is no lady!!!!  Seriously I think on divorce she would lose that title because she won't be married to him anymore and that is how she got the title in the first place.  It will be for his new wife, if he marries again, to take that title.

  25. What will be the point of divorce if she retains it, you cant have your cake and eat it mate.

  26. I HOPE NOT!!  What has SHE done to deserve it??  NOTHING

  27. She's a crazy conniving woman even her ex says she s a handful. But Ive got to give Paul the big thumbs down for not getting a pre-nup cuz he said its un romantic.

    Well it is unromantic to sit down with a lawyer and discuss how much 'booty' she will cart away if it all goes pear shaped. But with a fortune like his it is very wise to have some arrangement in place.

  28. She should not keep the money never mind the title

  29. She should not be allowed to stay a Lady

  30. No doubt she will....but the title totally contradicts her as a human being.

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