
Will Her Majesty QE2 ever stop taking cheap racist shots at Allah & Quran & Muslims with her Indian assassins?

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ii of England first knighted Vidia Naipaul for writing dirty scraps in his "Among the Believers" that was intended to incite hatred for Islam and recently she has knighted Salman Rushdie for his "f" word book and his own Satanic face and behaviour against prophet Muhammad.

Is the old lady of the "Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the World" hymn gone senile, or does she suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's Disease?

Are the Lords and Ladies of the House of Lords just ordinary "curry-munchers" dying of paranoia for fear of Allah and Islam that the Queen could stoop so low?

Can she be charged for inciting racial hatred against a minority in England or are English Anti Discrimination Laws just as unjust as those of Australia?




  1. Its not the queen herself who decides who is and who isn't going to to be knighted you moron.

  2. INCOMING.....!

  3. What the h**l are you talking about?

  4. Huh?


  5. Salman Rusdie and everyone else have every right to write a novel on any topic they choose. It's called freedom of speech - something that won't be familiar to you, as most Islamic states support secret police, religious police and oppressive censorship.

    Is your so-called mighty Allah really that upset by the plot of a novel?  What's the matter - can't he handle it?  Does it make him cry?  Does he need a hug? Can't he take care of himself? What a pathetic little god he must be if the writings of a few measely mortals are upsetting.

    And who are you to decide whether such works offend Allah?  But then it's not really about blasphemy is it?  Just as some of the cartoons depicting Mohammed were in fact drawn by muslims in order to increase their shock and propaganda value, so your main purpose is to stir up hatred.

    I'm sure that by now you've stopped reading my answer because it doesn't conform to your biggotted world view, but for your information it's not Her Majesty the Queen who decides who is knighted or otherwise honoured but a committee of Members of Parliament, the Cabinet and the Prime Minister.  Often their decision is based on petitions received from members of the public.

    It speaks volumes that the so-called peaceful religion of islam pronounces a death sentence on the author of a work of fiction, demands the heads of the artists of cartoons, burns flags, smashes embassies and demands imprisonment of a woman who names a teddy bear Mohammed. Violence, intolerence and hatred are the by-words of islam.

    If the west is such an awful place then I suggest you and all your "brothers in islam" take yourselves off back to somewhere like Pakistan or Saudia Arabia where I'm sure you'll be made welcome because no-one, irrespective of their beliefs, is welcome in the west if they want to spread hatred.

  6. The same laws that supposedly protect the indians, from discrimination by you aussies.....don't kid yourself, its below the surface, we can feel it.

  7. Yet another confused, raving, ranting p**i/Muslim...madly jealous of Hindus and India. LOL.

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