
Will Hillary's acceptance of Bill's adultery keep you from voting 4 her?

by Guest60392  |  earlier

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Ive heard some ppl say this.




  1. Her love for her family and her Christian attitude of forgiveness makes it more likely that I would vote for her.

  2. her acceptance of Bill's ? no, I'll never vote for a closet L*****n. you may wish to read the LA Times, about Hillery's lady friend. God Bless America

  3. If america is willing to have a first lady/husband of known indiscretions then vote away.

  4. What has Bill's Adultery got to do with the Elections?

    The gap between them is very wide

    But thats not the reason why i will not vote for Hillary

  5. Back in the day when he first started running for president she stated that she "wasn't some little woman standin' by her man".  But that is exactly what she did.  Not exactly a feminist ideal is it?  I won't vote for her. (I'm not a feminist, by the way!)

  6. stand by your man??

    forgive and forget?

    marriage can be worked out for the childrens sake, divorce is not so easy on the children?

    ppl say? think for your self.

  7. No-I won't vote for her because New York still has one of the highest poverty rates in this nation and she is about corporate tax breaks and benefits.

  8. Her defense of Bill every time he gets caught cheating is one factor that keeps me from supporting her, but there are so many others that I'm not sure which one put me over the edge.

  9. This is considered by many a total different topic, simply put because this was "a very private matter" that unfortunately sometimes happen between married couples, and it was only made PUBLIC by those that probably put this woman Monica as bait for this man who most new had this "weakness".

    This scandal made very public and "savored" by many_which by the way are ironically the protagonists of similar ones themselves nowadays, except that instead of a MONICA, it is most of the time a man's name that surfaces_it is OVER and DONE with. And Mrs. Hillary Clinton has every right under the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES to run for office.

  10. She was not the one accused of adultery, was she?  So what difference does it make?

  11. Hillary's socialist viewpoints will keep me from voting for her; plain and simple.

  12. I wonder how many people who said yes would also vote for Rudy Giuliani, a man who actually committed adultery?

  13. I think she played to much under Bill with his cover ups dealing while he was governor of Arkansas.  What was it whitewater?

    She doesn't support the military.

    That is fine she wants to keep her marriage but she was disgraced by that whole thing if you ask me...sorry women worked hard to get where we are at lets no go backwards now.

    Other than that I think she has this p**p don't stink attitude and I just don't like it.

  14. Because she has the ability to forgive?    No.

  15. Pika, Not exactly, but I do not want to spend all of next year, listening to Republicans harping on the Monica thing as a reason not to vote for her; or listening to them claiming that 'a vote for Hill is a vote for Bill'.  We've got too much at stake in this election to waste time re-hashing a real low in history.  I couldn't take it again!  

    Vote for Obama!!

  16. That is part of my reason other than that she has no support for the military and I don't feel she needs to be in charge of something she has no knowledge of...

  17. we are such a moral nation . With desperate housewives as our model I know were on the right track.

  18. I'm more worried about the matters facing the nation, rather than the nature of their marriage.  This is the last type of thing I would vote for.

    If we all neglect real problems and vote only according to personal morals, we'll just have more problems.

    Not that Hillary will solve all our real problems.  But we should think hard about what the importance of the issues we consider while voting.

  19. No, the fact she accepts bribes and lobby money will stop me from supporting her.

  20. No...what do I care?

  21. No, that's not the reason. But there are plenty of others.

  22. That's so silly.  She works to keep her marriage and that's a bad thing?  I don't think so.  Lots of people work out their marital problems and stay together.

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