
Will Hillary be know as, Hillary Quiton instead of Clinton?

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I said to an answer here the other day...

"I do not see Hillary as a quiter". I stand corrected.




  1. Ah, she had all of the media, Howard Dean, and the DNC against her, what can you do.  She gave a heck of a fight though considering all the obstacles they put in front of her.  What gets me is now the arrogant ****** Obama groupies don't want her to even be considered for VP!

  2. i could care less if she is known as mrs. ronald mcdonald..if shes out of poltics and not spewing her brand of socialism, it works for me.  again to answer your questoin and avoid the trolls, the point is moot.

  3. Hillary didn't quit.  She lost.  All the votes are in, and she came up short.  Any further attempts to secure the nomination would be seen as being a sore loser.  There's no need to spoil the rest of her career because of one setback.

  4. Sit down bub. She didn't quit. She campaigned hard and lost. The number of delegates pledged to Mr. Obama is enough to secure him the nomination on the first ballot.

  5. By quitting, she is helping the Democratic party succeed in elections, but to continue and not quit her run for President would make her look like a loser, because people are already remarking that her race was more about "Hillary" than the real issues. To me, quitting sometimes demonstrates strength, but she has really taken her time to quit and therefore, I see her more as a control freak with some personal problems including lying when she needs votes.

    If she tries to unify her supporters with Obamas, people will see her strength and not see her as a thorn.  I just don't understand the purpose of insisting she retain her delegates when she is out of the race.  Would they be of any use to her or to Obama?  I don't get it, unless she really isn't truly "quitting".

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