
Will Hillary call Obama her "opponent' when she speaks at the convention?

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She was still using this term for Obama a few days ago. What do you think? Will she give Obama 100% of her support on Tuesday?




  1. She will give him 100 per cent support at the convention and that means that all her followers will be going to McCain.

  2. She will play the role handed to her.  Remember she didn't want the VP and said so.  That is why it wasn't offered.  She isn't stupid. SHe will stay out of the mess Obama may create then run again on the " I told you" platform.

  3.   She'll openly support Obama but privately hope for his defeat. He will be defeated easily by McCain. Then Hillary will run for Pres next time.

  4. I don't think she will.  She will never get the chance to become president if she insists on using that language and it may also be harmful to her Senate career.

    I am from New York and I will not vote for her again if she insists on pushing her luck with such divisive language.

  5. She's likely sticking pins in an Obama doll every night.

  6. Why would she give him support

    She nearly missed the nomination and now Obama didn't even give her VP

    If i were her I would go to McCain camp and try to get this guy destroyed

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