
Will Hillary feel guilt-ridden later for all the mean remarks she made about the next President of the U. S.?

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Will Hillary feel guilt-ridden later for all the mean remarks she made about the next President of the U. S.?




  1. If she is following media sources like I am, she'll probably just be angry for all the contradictory BS flying around. She could be a well meaning loose canon shooting from the mouth without the restraint of skepticism. Not a good sign for leadership material.

  2. Absolutely not.  Personally, I think she has a heart of stone.

  3. libs can't be serious....Barack's just another politician playing politician games - your faith-based support of Barack would be comical if it weren't so sad.  

    Hillary is a politician through and through, and at least she's not trying to set herself up as some savior - Barack's got you people snowed, and he's about to start going negative as we speak.  He's stood around this long "preaching" high naivety & now he's about to unleash the same ol' "politics as usual" against Hillary now that he's got you all fooled...wait and see.

    No, she won't feel bad.  As much as I dislike Hillary and the rest of the socialist democrat candidates, she knows that Barack is full of it too.

  4. the woman has no feelings. she didn't care about bill and his little girlies. she's a robot. poor chelsea. can you imagine that woman being your mother? *shiver* anyway, no she won't feel bad. i've been hearing her compared to nurse ratched in one flew over the cukoo's nest. that about sums it up.

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