
Will Hillary overcome her inability to answer a direct question anytime soon?

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Will Hillary overcome her inability to answer a direct question anytime soon?




  1. Without pleading the fifth?  Without ideas?  With that same history since first becoming known to the Arkansas public?  There's only one possible answer:  never!

  2. If she tried to tell the truth she could have a permanent case of lock jaw

  3. Why do people think she has problems answering questions? No one has the right answer for all questions? When a person asks a question they have thought it out; the responder has little time to think before they need to answer. Give her a break, she is like the rest of us, we may think we have the answer but unless we have experienced the issue we probably don't have a good answer. She was first lady and learned a lot. She has been a senator for two terms and has learned a lot. But, you can not expect her to be ready to spout off the best answer to a spontaneous question!

  4. never.  

    the good thing about it is that every question brings the chance of complete breakdown, since she must hide her true feelings in order to get elected.

  5. When was the last time a politician answered a question directly?

  6. It's certainly not inability. She can answer the questions, she is just choosing not to. There's a reason for that. Her answers would nail her to a position. That's too much for her, to actually have to take a position on an issue. What she wants is a coronation without the hard part - telling people who you are and what you stand for.

    And these Liberal Goofs and Dumbo Democrats are actually letting her get away with it. Pathetic.

  7. When does any politican like to do that?

  8. Nah! She'll just give off that annoying cackle and avoid the question.

  9. In the art of Clintonistisum it is never.

  10. Sure - as soon as people stop expecting her to be psychic.

    No-one knows what the future holds & it would be stupid to promise something that can't be delivered.

    e.g. George HW Bush said "READ MY LIPS - NO NEW TAXES" and 2 years later he raised taxes, BECAUSE CIRCUMSTANCES DEMANDED IT.

  11. DID THE UFOS LAND........

  12. I hope not, you can't agree with someone's ideas when you don't know what they said.

    Did I answer that indirectly enough for you? Will you please vote for me, I have unique experience, though my husband has wrote a letter to keep all our communications while in the White House sealed from the public until 2012. Just trust me (Or I will destroy you)

    I may have had a little too much fun with this one, but I love the question. Thanks for entertaining me!


  14. This question was asked a couple of hours ago.

  15. Why not?

    Just say I look into it and come back to you and put in the pocket and look at it later.

    What do you think?

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