
Will Hillary restore more Teachers Jobs and add to police , which we lost both under bush by record numbers ?

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Will she get this done withing the first 2 years of her 4 year ter? Since Bush was in, we have lost a record number of Teaching jobs, and police, patrol, Fire and Rescue, are in much lower numbers, and show little growth anywhere in the states. This addition of extra police will again strangthen against More serious crimes. Some of that Free tax money to Oil company's will come in handy for this addition again and will help get teachers their jobs back also.

Your thoughts?




  1. The last time I checked the federal government nor Mr.Bush fired any teacher,fireman, police officers. I thought that was one of those powers reserved to the states and local governments. Guess i'm wrong.

    Please show me where the last administration kept their word about hiring 100,000 cops. It didn't happen,because of all the hoops the local governments had to jump through.

    If your expecting any great expectations from Hilary Clinton,you are out there in laalaa land.

    You want more teachers without government interferance,get rid of the teachers union.

  2. Yeah thats what I want more police to reinforce the ever increasing police state that is the US

  3. Don't worry about it. Hillary's not getting elected.

  4. hillary is george bush with blond hair.

  5. Teachers are hired by individual school districts.  Police and fire, by their respective cities and counties.  This is not in the job description of the Federal Government.

  6. She will be hard pressed to do that once she starts giving every child that is born a $5000 CD and begins giving every one in the US a government funded 401K.  

    I mean come on, giving a woman control of money is a sure fire way to not have any.

  7. Of course she will if that is what you want!

    On the other hand if you think the fed has no business in schools and local police business she will of course support cutting teachers and cops.

    Just let her know what lie you would like to hear!

  8. Hillary wont get elected, even "if" she did, the country will fall even worse than it is today... She is a liar like all the politicians in this country. She is a phony and a fake... Take away her ridiculous cackle and the fact her husband was a president( Slick Willy) she has nothing..... I would love to see a woman president if the right one came along. She is NOT the one..

  9. yes i think Hillary will restore jobs such as these into your country, we have to realize that these are important jobs and i think she realizes that

  10. Our city hired 100 officer just last year. You have no clue, obviously. The fed.govt has no authority of individual cities hiring of officers.

  11. lol! Already healthcare she is talking about is a failure, I have been kicked out of my health care! Lots of mexicans! I would like to know where she would find these free workers. She wants volunteers! Hillary restore? She hasn't even put back what she stole from the White House yet! Restore? lol....can she restore my health? Sounds like another blame to Bush when in fact it is the dems who block Bush from doing a d**n thing!

  12. What free tax money to oil companies? You mean the ones owned by the Senator Kennedy clan?

    Major oil companies make money and suffer corporate taxation. They support lazy welfare louts.

    Hillary will do whatever she wants since people like you will make Grand Marshal Hillary, the WAR PROMOTER, Empress over us all.

  13. Those are typically state level programs.

    Which state is she running for?

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