
Will Hillary staff her cabinet entirely with Janet Reno types?

by Guest61588  |  earlier

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Every time Hillary recites an inspiring tale, it is about some little girl or some woman, and I am getting sick of it. I understand the concept of"payback," but Ms. Clinton has to know that if she wins the Presidency, she will represent both genders, not just her own.




  1. What, exactly, is a "Janet Reno" type in your mind?

  2. Grow up

  3. People will understand Waco Texas. So probably so. People will start wanting to educate themselves, MAYBE, but don't hold your breath.

    Maybe more women and children in this country can be killed by our president's order. We don't need to remember the Alamo, we need to remember Waco.

  4. I hope so. If you mean "people that know what they h**l they're doing" when you refer to "Janet Reno types".

  5. But you wouldn't frame a question like this about McCain, would you? Or would you insist that Obama would staff all blacks? You ignorant putz.

  6. Well let's see, should she start it with a Rumesfeld type or Alberto Gonzales type? Maybe a "Brownie" type from Katrina fame? Is that what you mean?

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