
Will Hillary win Indiana or North Carolina or both?

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And btw I think Hillary is amazing and the perserverance she's shown throughout the primary is something to admire. She's been counted out so many times but yet has the stamina to hang in there and consistently prove that she is the capable, competent leader the Democratic party needs. I'd rather have an Oldsmobile that runs well and has substance than a Corvette with no engine (Corvette= Obama). Just my two bits. But please weigh in on what you think. Thanks :)




  1. Clinton -indiana


  2. Yes, Hillary will win Indiana and North Carolina!

        Obama is not going to get the wins he is expecting. The trend line is moving strongly against him. His candidacy could begin to implode in the remaining primaries, leaving a virtual free-for-all at the close of the primary season in June.

    And I agree with your analogy.  Hillary is one strong, competent, qualified person for the job of president.  Go Hillary!

  3. Hillary will win both. I hope you admire the fact that Hillary plans to raise everyone's taxes. Not just the rich, everyone with a paycheck. Also, Hillary would like to add a 50 cent a gallon additional tax on a gallon of gas.

  4. Indiana......maybe.  North Carolina............not a chance.

  5. Yes she will.....

    Obama is fading now....his abilties in impressing others besides black's are becoming a failure. his true colors are starting to show and that's not a good think at all

    He will's only a matter of time!!!

  6. maybe indiana probably not nc though they dont like her down there

  7. Up until a few weeks ago I would have happily voted for Hillary if she were the nominee.....

    I am a Barack Obama supporter but would have been just as happy with Clinton...... at the time, it was.... so long as it isn't another Republican!

    However, the hitting below the belt and pandering to the likes of Richard Mellon Scaife and Fox Noise was all I could stand....

    Me thinks that Hillary will regret these tactical errors after she loses NC and possibly Indiana.... if she wins Indiana, it will be by a few single digits.....

    The math would be against her if she doesn't win large in both states......

  8. We will know for sure tonight.....

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