
Will Hillary win Maine today?

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Will Hillary win Maine today?




  1. Nope, Obama is the projected winner.

    I only know of 1 person who supports her over Obama, and I don't think that person is even caucusing today.

  2. Democrats in general may not do well in Maine, which is a pretty conservative place, and democrats in general are perceived as leaning more toward liberal viewpoints.

  3. I hope so.  I don't like Hillary but Obama is 10 times worse.

  4. well, I just saw Obama won and is now in the lead for delegates.

  5. She will win. More and more people are voting for her.

  6. yes because she rules!

  7. HILLARY needs to sleep in her bed and wake after 100 years after Bill Clinton kisses her lips... When will AMerica open their eyes and see that senator like Hillary swinging like a pendulam ..... WAKE UP AMERICA.... Its time to VOTE for MIKE HUCKABEE....

  8. Yes, but we all need to caucus today!!!!! Please put on your snow boots and make your voices heard!

  9. She will get crushed

  10. I hope so!! It is about time that the United States had a woman president. She is much more intelligent, articulate, and experienced then Obama. And unlike Obama (when you remove the letter b it spells Osama), she is not a terrorist.  I also believe that it is time for the U. S. to have an African American president, but not an African American president with Muslim roots and who is a terrorist. I hope that more white individuals will get out and vote for Hillary, unless they want a terrorist running the country, and someone with the name Hussein  Obama representing the U. S.

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