
Will Hitler go down in history as a hero?

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Alexander the Great is a heroic historical figure and how many people did he massacre. The likes of Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan are also remembered as a heroes. Do you think Hitler could be remembered in the same light? I hope not but it seems to be the way history looks back on these people.




  1. What did Hitler do that was heroic?

    He killed himself.  Hardly heroic now is it.

  2. NEVER! We should use Hitler for a learning curve in order for no one to everreplicate his dreadful regime!

  3. NO! not for killing millions of Jews and other people, he also killed himself too! I dont think he himself killed a person by his hand so he was a coward! Maybe a hero for the neo-n***s but not for the world. So no he will not be a hero!!

  4. He will. Give it a few centuries. When all his victims and their children have died and withered from memory. h**l even right now Hitler is viewed as a role model and hero in many parts of Asia. A recent poll at the university of New Delhi showed that 2/3rd of the students had more favorable than negative views about Hitler.

    He will probably take his place along Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Charlemagne, Spartacus, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Caesar and Augustus.

    Why? Because he fullfills most if not all the categories that generally describe great men. He was passionate, articulate, charismatic and achieved what for many seemed impossible.

    Will he ever be remembered as a good man? No. Will history start viewing it in terms of ends justify means? Yes, it always does. They'll turn it into a poor artist from the backwater mountains of Austria, a decorated war veteran so disgusted by what is going on in his nation. The decadence, the desperation, the depression, that he starts a movement to clamor for the heavens. Who from a defeated and downtrodden nation, turned it into the most powerful nation in the world. But who tragically failed in the end like Hannibal, and who like Hannibal took his own life rather than give the pleasure to his enemies. Or some sensationalist tripe like that will be written or become a mainstream line of thought.

    Also for random information. Caesar and Alexander the Great had whole cities burned to the ground and whole villages, from old women to babies put to the sword to reach their goals. Genghis Khan the winner, killed an alltold 20 million people, which in the 1400s was about 7% of the worlds population he murdered. Hitler came nowhere near killing 7% of the worlds population, so if Genghis Khan can be viewed as a great conqueror/hero, Hitler will be as well once enough time passes.

  5. Can,t remember watching Caeser, or Khan on TV, gassing,

    shooting, burning millions of people, but i get your point.

    There are people who still don,t believe Hitler committed

    all those attrocities, so i suppose those types would have

    no problem with Genghis & Co, being considered as heroes.

  6. What did he do to deserve to be a hero?Did he save people from hunger?Did he manage to deal with the Jews by talking to them instead of the atrocities he made?

    Hero? How come Hitler could be a chance,and I hope nobody considers him a hero,just those n***s,but luckily they are just a minority.Let´s hope he can NEVER be considered a hero.


  8. I wouldn't have said Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan as known as heros whatsoever.

    Yes they've been glamourised by films etc, but the fact remains they were famous becuase of thier will to massacre, and if you did a proper survey i doubt you'd find people calling them "heros"

    They were political figures who stood out from the rest for various reasons, mostly negative murderous ones. Many other political figures such as Churchill and Queen Elizabeth the first stand out more so as "heroes" to this modern world.

    Hitler stands out for his egotism and meglomaniatism, let alone the fact he had such a far right wing view against any politician for hundreds of years. The fact he managed to get away with so much murder will always make him a talking point.

  9. History is written by the victors,  If the Germans had won the war then Hitler would no doubt be viewed as a hero, and Winston Churchill as a villain .  There are many people who are viewed as hero's because they where on the right side.

  10. No way!

  11. No, and even if he did, it would make no difference, he would still have been an angry, uncharismatic little man who gained power by taking advantage of the weaknesses in the traditional body politic in Germany at that time, and by knowing  how to say whatever his audience wanted to hear.

    The others you mentioned were successful generals, unlike Hitler, but in any case being a "great general" and a hero are not the same thing imo.  In fact I I don't think they are generally described as heros - even this thread shows they are not universally remembered as such. The closest some of them may come is being seen as national heros in their own country.

    I wouldn't simply assume that future generations will be blinded by distance of time to what the n***s actually represented.  He will never be a national hero to the Germans, because, apart from anything else, he did Germany great harm.

    By the way, it's a myth that the n***s made the trains run on time etc.  It was an one of the most inefficient states in history.

  12. Hitler was a coward .. even a little boy would win against him one on one.

  13. Only in some peoples eyes these people are seen as heroes,i dont view any off those people as heroes.You have the neo n***s who still idolise hitler but most of them are just skin head racist thugs

  14. I hope no


  15. i blooming hope not!!

  16. In an overall consensus no but of course there will always be some people who will see him as a hero. As far as history goes, I don't think he will go down as a hero.

  17. h**l no //

  18. I hope not as well, evil man in a lot of ways. If he did go down as a hero it would be because of his overall idea, he wanted a perfect world its a shame he went about doing it the way he did. I guess if you think about it the only way you are ever going to change this world for the greater good is to kill off the people who are making it bad, but thats pretty much everyone. But no, i hope not, he will go down in history for ever but if its a hero he's written down as then i wouldn't be surprised its just how this world rolls.

  19. Can't see it, somehow.  Alexander et al all conquered their victims when conquest was seen as a glorious thing in its own right.  Hitler committed wars of aggression against essentially peaceful neighbours for no good reason, even by the lights of his times, and of course inspired horrific atrocities such as the Holocaust.

  20. No he will always be remembered as a coward  and a loser.

  21. Absolutely not!

  22. There are some people who consider Hitler a hero. Back in the thirties a large number of  British society thought he was the sort of leader this country needed

  23. lets hope not as he certainly was NO HERO

  24. Not unless there is a 21st century hitler that is going to emerge

  25. In all honesty, Hitler, like other war-behemoths, did have some silver linings. Although he nearly succeeded in eradicating an entire race off of the earth, his tactics on war, politics, and running a country were phenomenal. He was responsible for the Volkswagen (Car of the People), and pulled Germany out of it's depression. However, he did bring a lot of debt to Germany, which even now, in 2008, has not been payed off. I believe that Hitler will not necessarily go down as a hero, but a two-sided historical figure with great ideas. Most dark, but still great (intention-wise) none the less.

  26. I hate to say this but, probably.

  27. No way. History has been recorded far better in the last 60 years than since the days of the Roman/Greek empire

  28. Sorry to wake you up but there's people that already consider Hitler as a hero because they despise the same people Hitler despised. "Mein Kampf" has been a best seller in Muslim countries for years......

  29. Are you crazy? Of course not ... and analogies and comparisons to who you give are just ludicrous! Also, not sure what history books you are reading but the man is not painted in any light that might be considered heroic. Actually quite the opposite is true ... he's been painted as some kind of monster that the humanity of the vile man has been lost and with it a more accurate view of the history. Again ... you must be getting some crazy history where you are from.

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