
Will I Die of Sleep Deprevation?

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I slept well yesterday and woke up around 9AM (Friday). If I am Up until 12PM (Saturday) and using electronics like Computer and TV, Could I Die? Or What Effects May Occur?




  1. You can't die of not sleeping, but you can die by getting hurt due to not being aware of your surroundings when sleep deprived. It does take longer than a day though, i'm talking into 5 days or more of no sleep.  

  2. No, you won't die, but your body and mind will be noticeably slower.  I have been dealing with insomnia for many months now (finally got some medication for it) and while it was at its worst I had all kinds of physical and mental problems.  My face would break out, my hair was limp, obviously circles under my eyes.  As for the mental, I cried at the drop of a hat, was very short tempered, and had a very hard time functioning at my job because I would lose my train of thought.  

  3. When someone is afflicted by sleep deprevation your cognitive functions start being reduced. And no, you can't die of not getting enough sleep, eventually your body forces you to sleep and you can't help it.

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