
Will I Do Good On The ASVAB Test?

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I recently visited a Navy recruiter and took the practice ASVAB on the computer there and got a 42 on it. Will I be ok for the real ASVAB coming up in a few days for me? What sections of the test should I focus on mainly?




  1. You should score in the 45-50 AFQT range.

    I recommend you take the test locally and not do it at the meps hotel at night. People always score better on a daytime test.

    WK (Word knowledge)  MK (Mathematics knowledge) PC (Paragraph Comprehension) and AR (Arithmetic reasoning). Those 4 areas are what gives you an AFQT Score.

  2. Usually the ASVAB at the recruiters office is a bit harder then the actual test. Mostly do to the fact the test is much longer then the practice.

    I would brush up on whatever you did the worst on. There is a lot of simple math on the test that you could review very quickly. The big words.. you can't really practice in that amount of time. There will be a bit of mechanical oriented questions as well.

    As far as if you will be ok.. it depends on what you want to do in the Navy. I would look up the scores you need to get the job you want.

    If you don't get the scores.. don't take a job you don't want. You control that recruiter, not the other way around. Let me restate what I just said. DO NOT TAKE A JOB YOU DON'T WANT!

  3. first, will I do well on the ASVAB test. second if you can do basic algebra and geometry, chem 101 (very 101), know anything about cars and electricity, and you bone u on your grammar and can read, you'll do great

  4. I believe most people score 10 points higher on the real one. Try really hard to get a 50. A 50 will allow you to get a lot of different jobs. study. Focus on the verbal and math sections. Go to and take the various practice tests. Good luck!

  5. I will try to answer your question with my experience with the ASVAB.

    I took the pretest for the ASVAB at the recruiters office, and i got a 35 "i think". I went to MEPPS and i got a 52. 6 years later "today actually" i took it again and got a 99. The difference is age and this time i studied like h**l. I studied the book titled ASVAB For Dummies. If you want to do an aviation job focus on Mechanical Comprehension, and Arithmetic Reasoning. If its and Admin job you want focus on Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension. Good luck, you will find out just how important that score is when you pick your job. A saying in the Navy is chose your rate, chose your fate. Some jobs are horrible such as undesignated, HT, and all AB rates. Good luck!

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