She's never EVER wrong and she's the best at everything. I use to horse ride a few years ago and I found out she horse rides. She brags about jumping and riding bareback ect. but I've just started again with my first lesson and the teacher thinks I could start cantering already. Do you think if I try my hardest I could beat my friend? I want to prove to her she's not amazing at everything. She doesn't even put much effort into her riding, I want to prove that effort does mount into something. I want to be a good rider again and start jumps, could I succeed? also - she goes every other week. if i try my hardest and really challenge myself how quick do you think i could do it? i've been told im a natural because I'm like the only one who could get on and control the horse to trot near the fence ect.
and i was controlling a very unpredictable horse
I -AM- doing horse riding because I enjoy it, but she says I'll never be as good as her. I believe I can, I want to put that effort in :)