
Will I Goo To A Psyco Unit ?!?

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I Posted a question befor about obcd intrusive thoughts and after explainin my situation. !!! my family are sayin if i go to the doctors they'll take me to a psyco unit. Im 14 andd scared to death. they dont no how hard i have to cope with these weird obsessive thoughts in my head. I use to cry everyday at school and even at home. I cart go on living wid dem anymore. these thoughts went from rude thoughts to now images of death or other horrible events. and now after reading about this there was this question from a site. "Are you concerned about physically harming a loved one, pushing a stranger in front of a bus, steering your car into oncoming traffic; inappropriate sexual contact; or poisoning dinner guests?"

and now thats in my head now :*( im soo scared !!

some nights back someone posted a question on OCD Intrusive thoughts. i read up about em and it was a relief becos this illness matched wat i had!! but tbh there gettin worst and i feel as if i dont get doctors help im gunah get even worse. :( im feelin so down about these feelings that i cart cope no more

will i go to a pyso unit :(




  1. same thing happened 2 me

    my parents thought i was too morbid and made me see a counseller

    all u hav 2 do is convince the counsellor/doctor that ur parent are insane and that they are overly angry and sometimes violent but not enough for them to get outside help

  2. A psychiatric unit is there for people who are either a danger to themselves or to other people.

    Instead ask your parents again if you can see a doctor so that you can get a referral to someone who can help you.

  3. 14  going on a 140 more like it. Yea right!

  4. Whoa, lets slow down a bit.

    You are 14 at the moment and your hormones are just waking up and going "fruit loop".

    This is all completely normal and things will settle down in a while. You need to chat to others your age and hang out with them. Talk about your feelings and how you cope. They will exchange views with you and help you to get it off your chest.

    You are not mad and not heading for the psycho unit. Don't spend so much time worrying about this. The more you worry, the worse it will seem. Chill out and take things easy, there is nothing wrong with you.

  5. Just learn to chill the **** out and occupy your mind with something productive, instead of sitting there stewing over ridiculous scenarios in your head.

    Also, it sounds like you have a very delicate mind.  Don't ever smoke weed because it will undoubtedly tip you over the edge.

  6. I have worked at 3 psych hospitals over the last 20 years and they aren't bad places to be.  People there are just regular people who happen to have some issues.  Personally I feel safer there because I know that the people there generally want help, are med compliant, and are stable.  Outside in the real world you don't know what kind of people you are going to run into.  And the average length of stay in a psychiatric facility is only 4 days.  The only way you go there is if you are a danger to self or others, or voluntarily check in.  Your parents lack insight about mental health conditions, and most likely are in denial.  Try getting to a therapist of some sort, when school starts next week you can go get some help there.  Good luck!

  7. Going to a doctor is not going to mean you have to go to the psychiatric ward of a hospital.  Only a doctor can determine if you need around the clock care, of if your care can be monitored at home, or if you need any sort of medication.  Your family is wrong.

    Please do not determine your own mental illness, seek a professionals opinion.

  8. i say u should get help and if you go see a doctor they wont send you to a psycho unit that's just way over estimation , the doctor will ask you questions about it and maybe give you medicine and recommend you to a psychologist or specialist in that domain , there's no reason to be afraid of asking for help don't let it get worse,

  9. No. Mainly because it's spelt psycho but also because that's not exactly a medical term. I think you mean psychiatric unit. And you wouldn't be taken away or anything, there are plenty of other ways doctors can help you, such as medication or therapy.

  10. hunny, calm down. 1st you need to think what is right for YOU not anyone else. Your parents seem to not want you to get better by not letting you go to the doctors. what are they afraid of? You getting better? that is ridiculous! You need to get yourself to the doctors asap before it all goes out of hand. Do you hear me miss? No joke. You dont want it getting out of control. you need to be on tablets. You will see your life change for the better. You will  be much happier and be able to get on in life as normal as possible. dont worry about psycho unit. They dont have space for everyone so they wont send you there. Even if they did, its no big deal. Its hospital. Everyone goes into hospital when theyre ill and not well. No big deal. No shame in that right? so what's worrying you? Just go down to the docs and tell him/her everything. They will help you get back to where you were before it all started. I wish you luck. Don't make the terrible mistake of leaving it long coz if you do that, it will get worse and worse. Tell your parents to get a life and ask them if they want you dead coz by the sound of it, they dont want you to get better coz they are preventing you from seeing the doctor. Is that what they want? to see you suffer?  I hope not! Ypu go see doc yourself and hopefully, things should get better :D take care x

  11. no i dont think they will but will prescribe something to control the thoughts so dont be afraid to go to the docs for help, cos if u do nothing it will be worse, stop talking to ya mum about it cos it dosnt sound like shes taking u seroiusly just go and speak with a doc

  12. I have no idea whether you will. But there are options as to out-patient treatment and in-patient treatment. I understand how scared you are and if you really are scared then you need to talk about options and try and get all the help you can from a professional if you feel you need it. But you need to try and calm and be logical as much as is possible right now.

  13. No you won't get sectioned for that. To be sectioned you must be a risk to your self or others

    If your parents don'm seem to understand, you could go to your school counsellor / nurse. They are always there to help, and if they think you may a problem they can talk to your parents, that way they will be able to see this is distressing for you

    good luck

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