
Will I Likely Get Into Canada from US?

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Earlier this year I was charged with a misdemeanor charge of vandalism. I have not been arraigned or anything and may not be when I plan to visit in July with some friends of mine. What is the likelihood that I will be turned back at the border? Do they perform a criminal background check at the border for everyone or just some people? Would the check catch a charge I haven't even been arraigned for yet? Overall, how good of a shot do I have to get in. I will be crossing with non-shady looking people to vacation for a week.




  1. In most jurisdictions in Canada, vandalism is considered a summary conviction offense (the Canadian equivalent of a misdemeanor) but can be tried as an indictable offense (a felony) in some cases. Even though your charge of vandalism was charged as a misdemeanor in the US, the fact that it can be tried as an indictable offense (felony) in Canada technically makes you inadmissible to Canada. (It's a similar situation with people who have DUIs in the US.)

    You can overcome the inadmissibility, but it is not easy and requires a great deal of paperwork, time, and of course, money. Visit this website for more information on how to overcome the inadmissibility:

    You can, of course, try to cross the border and hope that they don't pull up your criminal record. But the Canadians have access to your record on their computers and if they find out you are trying to enter the country with an inadmissibility, you will be turned away from the border.

    Good luck.

  2. I don't know how it is in Canada, but you should be assumed innocent until proven guilty.  If they haven't even arriagned you, then ther is no reason for them to detain you.

  3. They will check your criminal record.  Sorry we don't want criminals coming to Canada.

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