
Will I Lose Wieght Like This?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to eat nothing for 5 days but crackers and water. I will not add anything to the crackers. Also, I will eat fruit and vegetables. I will also exercise every other day. Is this going to help or do I have to do more?




  1. That's so unhealthy, just exercise.

  2. You might lose some weight doing this but it is not healthy and the weight you do lose will most likely come soon after your five days is up.  The problem with crashing like this is that when it is done, people go right back to the same eating habits they had prior to crashing.

    The reason I call it crashing is because it's like a drug addict going without drugs for however many days, when they get their hands on the real thing they binge.  It just isn't good for the body.  

    If you really want to lose weight do it right, yes it won't happen fast unless you want it to because you have to dedicate yourself to a program.  Nutrition/Fitness, safer, healthier and you will, in the long run, end up happier and stay that way if you stick with it.   Check out the site with all the info you need on every question you have about nutrition and weight loss the safe and right way.

  3. vegs,fruts and water sounds better...crackers will makeu fat it has littel calories but alot of starch so no crackers FOR YOU lol  

  4. Yes

  5. depends on what you call a portion of crackers, why dont you go on a diet of just vegetables and water

  6. you will, but I don't understand the cracker thing.  Eat tuna fish or chicken breast instead.  You will consume the same amount of calories, but have more energy when working out so you will actually be able to burn more and lose weight faster and also feel better doing it.

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