
Will I always have to wear nursing pads for leakage?

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I am breastfeeding my 1 month old. I need to wear pads all the time bc when I feed her, the other breast leaks and sometimes both leak in the middle of the day. Will this ever end or will I have to wear them as long as I breastfeed her?




  1. Probably so! Since you're breastfeeding, your body will keep producing milk so they will probably keep leaking. I don't know much but this is what I am guessing. My breeasts are always leaking too.. they leak a lot when baby starts to cry, like on cue.  

  2. Nope, Your milk is probably still levelling out. I will sometimes leak when I let down on the other side too, but I just put pressure on the breast that I'm not currently feeding and its fine. I still wear pads at night as I fill up a lot overnight because he sleeps somewhat through the night. Brady is 6 months.

  3. No you will not need to wear them the whole b*****s stopped leaking at around 4 months of breastfeeding....

  4. You might have to.  I was very leaky and so was my sister.  She jokes now that she used 1600 nursing pads in the first 6 months of her daughter's life (not an exaggeration)!!  

  5. Probably not. You're milk is still regulating yet and will likely settle down. It is theoretically possible you could continue to leak but most nursing moms don't after a while.

  6. I still leak and I have had my baby for 14 months and it is not often but it happens, You should n't have to wear pads all the time after about 3-4 months that's when you regulate. I only leak when I  haven't fed on time or I hear a baby screaming sometimes I leak then.

  7. no. your milk will regulate to her demand soon, and the leaking should stop. You may still leak at night for awhile, but it stops after a few months.  

  8. I've breastfed both my children (each for 12 months) and I hate to tell you that I had to wear the pads through out the duration.  My left breast would leak if she was nursing on the right and vice versa.  If I was late for a feed, I'd leak.  If I was at home though, I would sometimes just wear a ratty t-shirt and just put a pad up when I was nursing.  

    My girlfriend was here nursing her baby and she didnt' leak at all, I didn't know that was possible!  I was jealous.

    Good luck!

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