
Will I be a good Parent?

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Ok, I am a reasonable person, and while not expecting kids for quite some time, as much as another 10 years, I wonder what my parenting will be like, in your opinions.

First off, I will not spoil them with anything and everything they want, however, I will be reasonable, and they can help out around the house, and become pretty much a maid until they earn the object of their desire with the money I saved instead of hiring a maid, or investing my own time. My parents made me their (paid) servant, and it did me a world of good, I will do the same to my kids. I will punish them when they need it, not physically (as that will likely be illegal in 10 years) but psychologically. I will instill responsibility, ambition, and motivation. I will treat them not as my equal, but as a Drill Sargent treats their recruits.

I will teach them tolerance, and altruism. I wont care much for their possible drug habits, and might even join them, nor will i care of their sexuality, I myself am Bisexual.




  1. "Drill sergeant"; that's awesome.

    Seriously though, look at kids raised by actual drill sergeants.  They rebel harder against that ultimate authority than any other kids, even catholic school kids.  Don't try to keep too tight of an iron grip; it will backfire, hard.

    Also:  Positive reinforcement always works better than negative reinforcement.  Although I do believe that you must punish a misbehaving child appropriately, you will always get better results by _rewarding_ them for _good_ behavior.

    In all honesty though, none of your carefully constructed plans will go through the way you expect them to.  In ten years, you will be a different person, and within a short period of time after the kids are born, you will be a drastically different person.  Everyone who has ever become a parent had a plan of how it was going to work out; not once, in the history of man, has parenting gone according to plan.

    Best guess is to look at your own parents.  If you consider them good parents, you will be, too.  Your reactions to parenting situations will emulate those of your parents, in ways both obvious and subtle, whether you intend to or not.

    You sound like a good, strong person though, and I'm sure you will be as fine a parent as any.

  2. I'm thinking no. You can't run your house like a drill sargent. Having them be like a "maid" service is wrong too. Although, having a few chores and being expected to clean their own rooms and clean up after themselves is great. Sharing drugs with your children? Are you serious?!? You should watch some Nanny911 or the other nanny show to learn some very useful and much needed parenting skills!!!

  3. you can say what you want now, but kids change everything.  can't say either way at this point.

  4. This question is just opinion based.... If it were me I would say the drill sargeant thing is taking it pretty far.

  5. you've got a lot of ideas about how to be a good parent don't you?

    that's ok, I did my best parenting before I had kids too.

  6. all i can say i am glad i am not your child

  7. Depends on if you want your children to like you or dislike you.

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