
Will I be a pro golfer ever?

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I am 14 and my handicap is 8. I have a passion for the game and have shot as low as 74. I have an excellent swing coach who has taught many respected golfers. I am a member of one of the nicest clubs in the area. I am willing to work and practice my game every day. These are the facts. Will I ever make it?




  1. Only if you can understand the video on youtube.

    type in 'the ultimate golf lesson' and click on the first video that comes up

  2. i'd say its the toughest sport to go pro in, but if you practice and YOU believe you can do it then you can. as one guy has already answered, work on your short game..  get the mental side down too, its just as important if not more. when im fooling around and playing with my  buddies i can shoot scratch golf, when im in a tournament i cant make a putt from 3 feet away.. all because of the mental and not working on my short game... and my average drive is 300 soo work on your short game and hitting the ball straight. good luck

  3. probably not. Your handicap is 8 at your home club that you play every weekend? What do you think you would shoot at Augusta? Your 14 and still never shot under par yet? Your still young and have time to improve and while you may get a scholarship and you may be  a pro, but from the info you gave the PGA tour seems out of reach for you. Good luck.

  4. If you practise and practise you will fulfill your dream and become a pro golfer

  5. If you are talking about the PGA, the best way to tell is how far your drive is. If it is 300 yards, you can with hard work.

    If you you are talking about mini-circuit tours then yes, all you need is an entry fee to be on the tour.

  6. 1.  If your father is on your side and supports your deep interest in golf.

    2.  If you practice at least 2 hours a day, seven days a week.

  7. Don't listen to the people that tell you that you can't do it. As you grow, you will hit the ball a lot further off the tees which can lower a score emmensly if you hit the ball straight. The best golfer in my area didnt start playing until he was in college and he shoots in the 60's at every course in my area. Work everyday especially on your short game. Good Luck

  8. Give it your all and let the chips fall where they may.  You don't want to be 35 and wishing you didn't get discouraged and quit on your dream.  You have nothing to lose.

  9. That's up to you son.  Sounds like you're a great golfer, even better at a younger age.  However you have to realize there's thousands of teens out there with the same talents or better, that's your competition.  

    Best thing to do is start playing some local tournaments, get the feel of competition.  Lets face it, even us that play 'by the book' still pull our ball back out of a fairway divot or take a mulligan on that one tee shot that just got away from us into the bushes.  You need to practice under pressure with every stroke counting and no exceptions.  Think about what you'd shoot in a tournament on a fairly difficult course that you've never played before?  Much worse than your local 'home course'.  

    You can play on your HS Golf Team, that's a fun experience and helps with tournament style atmosphere (even though it's not as strict as a local tournament).  The thing is most tour golfers turn pro between the ages of 17-21, you may not make that age but there's no age limit you have to qualify for.  You can always be a 'pro' without being a 'tour pro'.  Tour pros are a different caliber of player.  You can get your "Class A Professional Card" which classifies you as a pro golfer and can do things like be a local pro at your Country Club or you can teach golf.

    Just keep playing and practicing and see where it takes you.  Don't limit yourself by timelines or age.  Who cares if you turn pro at age 30 right?

  10. if you want it to it can happen~!

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