
Will I be a reject?? Is it a big deal???

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I am currently a freshman at a University and was just wondering if my decision to live off campus will make me "weird" or let's say a "reject." It is a small University w/ about 1000-2000 students and is too late to sign up for dorms w/ the new school year already starting. I want college life to be the best years of my life w/ lots of friends and fun because high school wasn't so much fun in some ways. Is it such a big deal that my decision to live off campus-(just 15 min. away) from my school instead of living on campus? I am a very friendly sweet sociable girl and love being around people and have already been asked out by a couple of guys...will this change my ability to have friends or fun with others?? Is it a major deal????




  1. I don't think it is a big deal, when I went to college I rented a town house, if you ask me that is much nicer than staying in the dorms.

  2. I lived on campus my freshman year and I had friends who commuted everyday and what happened is that if you have a close groups of friends that live in the dorms most likely (if your parents are ok with it) you're gonna end up sleeping over at their dorms most of the time, that's what my friend did... but if you don't have any friends that live in the dorms then you MIGHT and dont take my word for it end up being somewhat of a loner, because I found that during the 1st year of college you bond a lot with the people that live in the dorms with you. Usually friends from high school end up drifting away if they go to another school and make new friends that they see everyday and all that. But just try to make new friends that dorm and they'll invite you to come over. You'll see that soon enough you're gonna be speding more time with them at the dorms than at your house.

  3. me brother is in university and he lives off campus and he make friends adn is fine  

  4. No, it isn't a big deal. I lived in an apartment my first year (literally 5 minutes away) and found that nobody cared one way or the other. The bonus in their eyes is you have a place that you don't have to follow dorm rules. It will be fun and actually, cool.

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