
Will I be able to drive here:

by Guest57677  |  earlier

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I get off work at 10 friday night, then i was gonna park outside the park, ride down and meet some friends for an all-day hike of half dome. Will I be able to a) drive on these roads, or are they gated and b) park my car there for the day? I pick here because it's all downhill on the adjacent Big Oak Flat Rd. I already have an annual pass to Yosemite, so don't get all pissed about dodging the gate. They're closed at 1AM. This is my only solution.




  1. Yosemite NP is in California. Your link is for Yosemite, Kentucky, which I assume is a little town in Kentucky. Try this:

    You don't have to dodge anything, there's no gate along the Big Oak Flat road and no need to drive any alternative roads other than Big Oak Flat/ HWY 120 right down into Yosemite Valley. The Big Oak Flat road and all the main roads in Yosemite NP are paved. You might want to come in during business hours so you can get a free map and brochure and ask directions.

    Finding the day parking area near Curry Village (closest to the trail head) and avoiding the permit only backpacking parking area adjacent will be your only difficulty, other than deciding whether to do the Mist Trail on the way up or the way down (up is safer) and the strenuous hike up to Half Dome and back.

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