
Will I be able to join a German Gym for just 2-3 weeks?

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I am 18 yr old male. I am visiting a friend for 3 weeks. There is a small gym in the small town. Would I be able to spark up a deal and go lift weights there while i'm visiting? Like pay just for 3 weeks?

Or is German gyms extra-crazy about insurance, all that stuff? I just want to use it 3-5 times a week, to keep up my routine while I'm over there. What are the chances that I'll be able to use it?




  1. Yes you will be able to work out at a gym.

    You don't have to JOIN the gym to work out there. You can go there and pay on a day-to-day basis. Like someone said before, it will most likely be more expensive this way.

    Maybe they will have one week offers, or maybe even a one month trial period, which should be less expensive than a day-to-day type of thing. When you get to Germany, just have your friend call up a gym or go and stop by and ask them.

  2. Absolutely no problem, and there will be no insurance problems.  The gym will assume that you have proper health insurance (if not, it'll be your problems); and for accidents that are the gym's fault, THEY are insured, that's the law. Just ask about their rates and try to find the best deal for the time you'll be staying. When it's a small town, just be prepared that they won't be open 24 hours.

    What sixx said might even work for you; if they offer a trial period, then tell them you'll stay in Germany for, let's say, half a year or so, for some reason, and then tell your friend to tell them that you had to go home, for some other reason, and you're both sorry about it. Maybe you get a week or two for free. (I know, this is a bit dishonest. But did you never get a free newspaper?)

  3. no problem, most of the gyms offer deals for just one day, one week or one months.

    just aske them, I'm sure they have a deal like that and they are not crazy about insurance because you are responsible for your health and therfore your healthinsurance covers it all up.

    have fun


  4. Yes, but be prepared that it might be expensive. In my gym they suck, if you only visit for some short time you have to pay 20€ for each visit. A small gym might be more cooperative.

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