
Will I be accepted in Italy?

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I'm a somali girl who's taking vacation is roma and sicily

I feel as though italy is my european homeland since ya'll gave us pasta and gelato lol ;)

are itailans welcoming towards africans?

cuz when I went to London, I didn't really get a warm welcome when they found I was a another somali lol




  1. Um....Brits are very particular people and think ALL they have is the greatest. I laughed the hardest when the American designed the CHUNNEL and attached England to France. The Brits hated that.

    Anyway, the Italians are very loving people. You will have no problem there. Just be careful....because as everywhere, there is poverty and in the tourist areas, people will jerk you jewelry off and steal you wallet/purses.

    Do NOT wear ANY jewelry. Keep ur money and important papers in ur bra. Alot of people wear those little bags around the waist but these are no good there and never put all of ur stuff in one bag. Best is to wear Levis....tight ones....because hands cannot get into those pockets!!!!

    Good Luck amd give Italia a big kiss for me. It was one of the greatest Third World countries that I have lived in....even with the headaches of no A/C, no hot water, etc........But, I absolutely loved it and would go back any day.

  2. I'd say, go to Turkey instead where you'd come across with 0 racism


  3. Yes you will!! i am an italian from Rome and yo have no idea how many different culture you're going to see there.

    I have to tell you though that right now italians are becoming a little xenophobic (did i spell that right?)but it s not because of the mentality but because in the last 10 years we have experienced lots of problems with immigrants (from east Europe) and i guess we are just tired of it .I live in Rome and i see so many tourists everyday that nobody pays attention to the color of somebosy's else skin .

    And as in any other country if you are nice you 'll be treated nice !!Have fun in Rome!!!

  4. You will be fine. I went there a couple of years ago and the people are nice and friendly. Sometimes a bit too friendly. I was walking down the street one day and a clutter of italian teenager boys whsitled at me and asked if i wanted to go to their house. Be very carefull there!

  5. It's sad to say for me, but most of the Italians are deeply racist. Even if you are a tourist, you'll be treated like a second-class person. If you are rich enough you can obtain an apparent respect, but nothing more than this. The situation here is worse than in London.

    Of course there are also plenty of good people here, but the racists are always more visible for their arrogance and their violence.

    If I were you, I'd choose for my vacation a more civilized country in Europe.

  6. Italy... and the other European countries that border the Mediterranean, are getting very tired of people from Africa coming into their countries as an illegal alien or as an over staying tourist... and that anger has been turning very ugly over the past year or two... so don't expect a warm welcome because much of Europe is becoming very racist.

    In the case of Italy, they are actually operating an element of their navy as an interdiction and prevention of boat loads of Africans trying to come into Italy by boat, and turning them back to Africa.  

    This really IS  a sensitive subject with most European countries... and most AmeriKans don't seem to know it or understand it.

  7. No, no problem...

    I'm italian, i live in turin,,,

    Well, i must say that here people from africa cause many crime problems, like illegal prostitutions, drugs, murdersexc exc... but no, don't worry, we aren't racist, you won't have any problem..!! you'll be welcome!! =)

    have fun!!


  8. Few Italians are fed up with the many illegal immigrants who came to their country so they sometimes seems be too sensitive about foreign people and they generalize.

    However, you are a tourist visiting so don't worry, enjoy your staying but I would suggest you not to trust everyone and always be alert, like you would be in any other foreign country you visit. Enjoy the authentic pasta and gelato!

  9. Yes, you will !!! Tourists and LEGAL immigrants are always welcome ! Let me explain this: we are not racist or else, we simply are FED UP with the millions illegal immigrants coming here to steal, rape, exploiting prostitution and so on... so, let me say that you are more than welcome!

    P.S. this is for Karen : I didn't know that we were considered part of Third World, thanks for the info!

  10. I lived in italy for a while, and to be honest I dont know how welcoming they will be.

    There is an unfair negative stereotype about black people in Italy because of the large number of illegal african immigrants working as street vendors.

    This is just a stereotype though and Im sure not all italians are silly enough to believe it.

    If you're worried, I would learn a little basic conversational italian (if you dont speak it already) so you can greet people in their native tongue. It really wins them over, as they see it as the highest compliment that you have made an effort to learn their language.

    Italians are typically very warm people and if you can handle some simple transactions in italian (ordering food, asking prices etc) they will defrost pretty quickly and realise that you arent an illegal alien, you are simply a tourist.

  11. mmm....I'm italian[I came from Rome],and I haven't got problems with the foreign...but the people are different and you could find a person who hate the foreign,as you could find a person who have not problem whit,you should come in italy,and if you don't feel well here you can come back in your country...sorry for my bad english...bye,a kiss!

  12. italians (some ) are racist and xenophobes  the last election put berlusconi  and an extrem right wing party  at the state.

    Be carefull, some italians are very open, but at this time, uhh... be carefull.

  13. London? hey, im a somali girl and lived in London all my life and have NEVER had any bad racist experience.

  14. you're gonna feel accepted and comfortable....don't worry...and enjoy ur stay!!!!!! :)


  15. don't warry...come to Italy without any problems...

    greetings from ROMA...

  16. if you are a tourist you are welcome but i think we are not racist but only sick of people of other countries who ruin or country that it has already got its problem

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