
Will I be accepted in the Peace Corps?

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I am graduating in August with a BA in Psychology. I have done several volunteer work. Including an asylum, police department, and for the community. Would this be enough for the peace corps? I am in the process of applying and have already turned down two Masters Programs because I am waiting on the results which I will know around 09. When I started applying I did not know it took about a year, so I started about 6 months ago like the Masters programs. Everytime I talk to the recruiter there is more and more paperwork. I do have a strong desire to join but should I just go for my Masters, what if I am not accepted?




  1. They do require a strong background in community volunteer work but I'm not sure if it all has the same value.  Do you know where in the world you want to go or what type of program you would want to work with?  There are generally seven different categories:  Community development, environment, agriculture,  health, HIV/AIDS, and technology.  Each one has its own requirements for being invited to work within it.  I would look at the sections you want to be in and see what they recommend.

       It seems like you're already on your way.  What stage are you at?  It goes:  application, interview, waiting waiting waiting, nomination, heath check, waiting waiting waiting, final interview, invitation.  

    Once you are nominated it would be a good idea to recheck if you actually want to do the Peace Corps because the medical check is extensive and very expensive.  I would keep going until you reach that stage and see if you like the general nomination which will be something like:  Eastern Europe, Community Development.  They won't tell you a specific place but they will tell you the category you will be working with.  Just realize that this could change drastically.  

    Joining the Peace corps will also be very good for your resume.  It opens so many more doors for you in the future.  They are some masters programs that will accept you only if you have been a volunteer.

    I don't know if I've helped at all, but if you really really want to do it and have your heart set on it, don't let anything change your mind.  I've wanted to join the peace corps pretty much my whole life and after a 2 year delay in my application I'm finally getting ready to head to Mali in July for Heath Education.

    Good Luck!

  2. your medicals are more important than anything else.... be healthy and willing to work and you're golden

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