
Will I be an over protected mom?

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We're trying to get pregnant soon. Between now and next june. so we have a year to get pregnant. Anyway I notice that i'm very over protected of my niece and nefew. My sister had a baby and the church members came to visit. I told everyone they had to wash their hands before touching the baby, and they couldn't kiss the baby because I didn't want her to get pimples, God knows where their mouths have been. my sister was mad at me for telling the guest that. but i feel if you have a cold why would you want to touch a new born baby let alone kiss her. so everyone hates me and said i'm mean. i think when i finally have a baby i won't let anyone but my mother and mother in law hold her. and my husband of course. did i over react?




  1. maybe you did over react a bit but if you are really upset about it why not appologise to your sis and say that you didn't want the baby getting sick if that person had the cold.

    and say to the other people your sorry aswell then you will feel better then you can get on with you life

  2. pfffftttt....i dont even want anyone besides me and my sons father to touch my son!

  3. You over reacted on somethings.  Everyone should wash their hands before touching the baby that's a given.  But as far as not letting anyone hold the baby or kiss it on the forehead that's a bit much.  You have to allow your baby to grow up and experience things, if you shield it from everyone and everything it will grow up and have problems adjusting to life.

  4. I would be the same way.. You did right cause at any given time that child would got something they all would have been feeling stupid

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