
Will I be charged with a crime for depositing a fake check U didn't know was fake? ?

by  |  earlier

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The same day we tried to stop the deposit because we found out that it could be a scam. SO our bank isn't upset and they are on our side because we told them what happened. SO I sent no money to anyone and didn't spend any of it.




  1. nope

  2. It depends on whos check it is!

  3. No, you shouldn't be in any kind of trouble.  Sounds like you have been truthful with the bank and now realize the check is probably a scam.  No money actually changed hands.

  4. consult with an attorney as soon as possible

  5. Those fake checks, where the people ask you wire them money (usually to a different country) are written on a fake bank account. The bank would find this out, and remove the funds from your account. As long as you did not withdraw it and try to scam the bank for it, you are fine.

  6. No you won't get in trouble.  Just give the money back to the bank.

  7. No,

    if you didn't know it was fake.

  8. Did the bank notify the police? If you did not take any of the money and notified them they most likely will not. Did they tell you it was fake or did you alert them? Regardless if they did not take a loss and did not contact the police you do not need a lawyer and do not need to worry. The bank is only worried about the loss. Was it a stolen check or a fake one someone gave you for payment?

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