
Will I be disqualified from enlisting in the AF?

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A couple years ago my mom told my physician that I "kind of crooked over". The doctor agreed to some extent and wrote that I have a "slight curvature of the spine" on a medical note.

That is all; I have never had any pain. Because of this I learned to sit up straight.

Could I be disqualified from the AF because of what my mother said?




  1. Probably not, unless it interferes with your duties.

  2. depends on your military physical....unless your mother is the AF doctor that said that?lol

  3. I don't think it'll be a problem. Especially since you've never had any pain.

  4. Not unless it interferes with running, working out or other duties.  If you take meds for it, or have recurring physical therapy-yup you're done.  Otherwise, just go to the physical.  They're going to take Xrays-if it doesn't show up or in the opinion of the Doc you're good-to-go; you're good-to-go.

    Don't worry about stuff you can't control; you're AF career and life in general will be much more serene...

  5. yes u will

  6. they'd do their own physical.  if they find something wrong, they'll let you know.  i don't think that would hold you back though.

  7. See what they say at MEPS. They let certain things slide.

    However, if you start feeling pain because of the added stresses in the military, they'll try to kick you out and not pay for it.  

  8. Not unless you are crazy enough to show the documentation to the recruiter.

  9. You will have to take physical to get in AF. Take it and find out. Do not give the doctor any information as you really don't know, and let him determine if you are fit.  Good Luck and Thanks for your effort.  

  10. No way, that's not near enough of a medical disorder to disqualify you. It's basically cosmetic to your posture and sounds like over time you fix that. So, no worries and Good Luck Cadet!


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