
Will I be followed from Michigan to Hawaii if I have a warrant out for my arrest???

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I have been on probation for a few years now.. I used to race cars!

I'm 22 and was recently married to a solider soon moving to Hawaii from Michigan to live with him until he Deploys to Iraq in October.

I was put on probation this past time for Assault and Battery but, the court reduced it to Domestic Violence 1st offense! My ex-boyfriend beat me up and I defended myself only trying to help me in the matter.

I ended up having to go to court for it due to the ex-boyfriend filing a police report before I did. I was brought in for questioning and they saw it as a 5'5 105lbs. girl was trying to hurt her boyfriend. I told them my side and they wanted no part in my story. So they gave me 2 years probation and I have been stuck in this God forsaken state for too long. My life can't continue on in this state especially without my Husband.

I plan on running and head out to Hawaii...

My question to you is above and the story I just explained.

Do you know what will happen even if my name has changed from my old license and so forth?

Please anything advice or knowledge you can pass on would be very much appreciated! I would just hate for this one day to come up and bite me in the ***!





  1. For once in this mess take responsibility and own up i SERIOUSLY doubt they will violate and put you in jail for a missed meeting

    You call the PO you let them know you missed the appointment and are sorry. Than you ask her for a time that works for her to come in.

    YOu go in and you tell her that you are marrying a a soldier (NOT MARRIED marrying) and that this is the best guy you have ever met after being in the abusive relationship you were in before.

    Than you ask how to go about having the probation changed to HA

    You may need to simply get a lawyer to go to the judge and ask

    Or your PO may be able to help you.

    Ducking it yea you may get away with it

    You will not even have to change names UNLESS you get arrested

    IF you ever get arrested though in HA you will go to jail and most states will come get you.

    Believe me I ran out on a Probation once and 20 years later I had not been in trouble and they locked me up when they pulled me up for a id check I was in jail for 30 days PLUS they reinstated the probation for another 5 years

    So believe me it is easier top have them change your probation and do the right thing

    OH and i was locked up under a alias and gave real name in ID check but they somehow found out when the warrant went out So that whole name change thing does not always help especially if locked up as prints NEVER change

    OH yea do not go to that PO with that lame excuse of not able to call cause you did not have the card  cause the number can be got through 411 or phone book and that excuse just sounds like a lie

    Believe me i am darn good at lies and excuses and that one does not fly

  2. Not agood idea. If you are on probation you may be reporting to a Probation Officer. I am assuming it is only a misdemeanor offense in your state. You can relocate. Contact your PO or Court where you were charged. They can provide you wih paperwork to leave, however you will need to continue your probation in Hawaii. It's actually very easy. Never "Run" from the law.  

  3. Yes,

    the cops will track you to the 4 corners of the Earth to bring you back to justice..

  4. You dug a hole and it appears that you are not through with digging.

    Talk with the courts about your current new status about being married and wanting to move out of state with your new husband. Usually in matters of that nature, they rather see you go then hold you here until your time is up. They might even strike a deal with you such as if you leave, you promise not to return for 10 or 15 years. At worst, they might want for you to continue your probation in Hawaii. You will have to pay for the transfer of probation. But don't make matters worst for you or your husband. You will be found. You can't hide and think of the embarrassment 10 or more years from now being arrested in front of your kids for skipping out on probation.

  5. You will now.

  6. Do not just leave, you will have a warrant out and they will eventually find you and you will be charged with fleeing or something of that nature.  

  7. You might ask a legal aid attorney if your conviction is a misdemeanor or a felony.  Then ask if the law of extradition allows for arrest and return for a misdemeanor.  I guess your question is whether Domestic Violence First Offense is a felony or misdemeanor.  

  8. The answer to your question is yes. But you can go to the probation officer and ask for the court to give you permission to go to Hawaii. I am quite sure they will allow it. There is always a simple way. Leaving without permission only bring more trouble. When they catch you for violating your probation it will then be jail time. Read your today's newspaper and see what just happened to the mayor of Detroit who went to Canada to take care of city business without permission.

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