
Will I be forgotten....forever?

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I have a terrible fear of being forgotten when I die. I am young and should probably not even think of it...I think that if I don't do something absolutely amazing that my existence will have meant nothing...just to think that there have been so many before me that have done great things...but even they have been forgotten...example...Millard Fillmore ...and he was a President!! Does anyone else have these fears?? I want my life to have meaning and impact...any suggestions or insightful comments will be most appreciated...thank you much.




  1. lol have children, and then you won't be forgotten for like 2 or 3 generation. But if you really wanna be forever be remember, invent something or discover something big like cure to aid lol. Or become hitler and take over the over, or something as bad you get the drift.

  2. You will never, ever be forgotten. Your family and your friends love you and so does God.

  3. I have been through the same kind of situation a few months ago. I tried to find why I feel so than after thinking a lot I came to make a decision and the decision is to live for others truly.

    I used to think that what is this life being born and then growing to the young age and then  marriage and kids and then the old age and then death. Even animals live this sort of life. If I live the same kind of life then what is the difference between an animal (such as dogs) and me.

    I know that many people live for others but are forgotten afterwords but one thing that they get is peace. The ultimate peace.

  4. You have relatives and friends, so it is not possible to be forgotten. You could also work hard and make something of yourself, and get into the history books. That's why every individual must develop a skill or talent and  pursue a worthy goal in life. Then when we die, we would be contented.

    You must decide for yourself what you like to contribute to your family and society and work towards your goals or dream. And dont worry about all those great men and women who have done many great things--yours could even be greater. History will decide! Cheers!   :-)))

  5. it's something that most people wrestle with sometime in their life.  what is my legacy? how will I be remembered?  It can be very difficult to put your mark on society in a positive way.  even very rich and powerful people fall by the wayside after a few decades of their death. a world changing invention could mark your name in the history books for a century if you're lucky.  the very best way to at least be remembered for a couple of generations is to have children and be the very best parent you can be.  that is the ultimate mark.

  6. Miss, you will never be forgotten. You would be surprised about the thousands of people YOU affect each and every day. And these little things you do, these little nitches, could possibly affect someone three hundred years from now, because of a careless (by careless I mean unknowingly important) choice you made. Think about that and you will realize that no one is forgotten, even if their identity is.  

  7. I remember watching Carl Sagan as a kid, and in one episode he said : 'We are made of star stuff'. That left a very deep impression on me. So I agree with others who said that we are all eternal, because we are an inalienable part of this Universe. Then who remembers you or not as you are in this earthly existence, becomes a very minor issue. Live a full and happy life, and don't ever give in to morbid self-absorption. You are made of star stuff. And that's indestructible...

  8. Don't be so arrogant.  Pretty much nobody even knows you now.  There will be nothing to forget when you are gone.

  9. Eventually, yes. Unless you do something really noteworthy that is. But you are young, why spend the time in which you are known and remembered by the people around you with such thoughts? Focus on being remembered today. When you die, it won't matter anyway. This is my viewpoint.

  10. I had the same problem one day. My answer came to me from a child, and I'm going to pass it on to you. For as long as you have someone who loves you that is still alive, you will never be forgotten.

  11. Nothing will keep your Memory alive as much as if you have been kind.


  12. Millard Fillmore!?  One of our worst presidents!?  The Know-Nothing Party candidate!?!?  That's your model? Nobody can forget him.  

    If you want to define success in your life as being remembered by millions of people, then you better get going becoming a celebrity.  Otherwise, there are many ways to be remembered by a select few:  By your family, or by people in your chosen field, perhaps. Or by donating millions to a charity in your name.

  13. You are part of this universe, and every little thing you do to change it will forever, through all eternity, be written into it's very being and evolution. We all live forever because we did, at one point, leave our mark. Nothing and nobody can ever say more than that.

  14. "I have a terrible fear of being forgotten when I die. I am young and should probably not even think of it...I think that if I don't do something absolutely amazing that my existence will have meant nothing..."

    Does being forgotten mean your existence has meant nothing? I think not.

    "I want my life to have meaning and impact..."

    You are probably talking about impact on others, not on yourself. Likewise, you are probably talking about meaning to others, not to yourself.

    To do great things is more important than to be remembered. I've never heard of Millard Fillmore, by the way, but then I'm no American. Anyway, to be a president is not great in itself. To be a great father, for instance, comes closer to being a great president than to be a bad or mediocre president. But a great man would still be great even if there was nobody who regarded him as great -- nobody who remembered him after, or even noticed him during, his life. In what, then, does the greatness of the great consist? There are many words to describe it. Considering this is the Philosophy section, I will call it


  15. nobody is forgotten forever, for ones who have known you. you will always be apart of somebody's conscience even if it;s deep in there thought... you could be in the heart of someone for eternity.

    There conscience will be carried down and you will most likely

    be remembered by somebody even if not one you have met personally.

    Although remembrence on a global scale is impossible and if you have never met with every person on earth then there is no memory to be forgoten by most.

    but for those who have known you and have carried you down to generations to come you will never be forgotten.

    Hope This Helped! :D

  16. i dont think you should worry about being forgotten, whether you do something great, or nothing too great. it will be great, regardless of what it is, to everyone that cares about you, i think thats what should matter most. of course if you go on and do something incredible that would be even bigger. i dont have that fear, the only fear i have is not doing anything with my life, that scares me more than anything.

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